Wednesday, April 28, 2010

DURABLE: May 1, but it has always "Guerilla Gardening'-day ..!
You will no doubt they ever. Small baskets or boxes with bulbs; hyacintjes, daffodils and grape hyacinths, to name but a few. But what do you do with all these balls as they have finished ..? Throw it away? No, right?!
If the basket or box let alone one month without water. The leaves above the ground in no time you can completely withered and cut. Then remove the balls from the earth and leave them there until the autumn or late summer. They can also immediately stop somewhere in the ground ..

Just dig in your neighborhood somewhere a few small holes in a bed or under a tree and put the balls in it. Cover the earth again and Volia! You're suddenly a "Guerrilla Gardener" .. now
Guerrilla Gardening is great fun, I can, from my own experience-tell!

Well, David against Goliath ..?!
Across the road from my house, flowers every year a larger sea of daffodils, grape hyacinths and a few hyacinths. All of those balls that were thrown away otherwise .. And now there are already two baskets and a pot of balls waiting for my Guerrilla activities ..

Delicious! And the funny thing is that many people believe that only 1 years flowering bulbs .. Who would get this message anyway ..? Recently I drove through the bulb and was really amazed by the incredible number of bulb fields in the area around Lisse and Keukenhof. These bulbs farmers have little interest in letting down 'naturalise' bulbs in the ground .. Bollen, stealing our money .. hahaha ..

Nonsense so that the story of one-year bulbs, since every year, at my home at least, these balls again happily tell you that spring is coming ..! And .. I imagine that they thank me for the fact that they are not groenbak disappeared ..

And watch out! It's really addictive. At one point, everything goes back into nature .. Garden plants because they throw away "too big" have become? Nonsense! Instead just post them on a dull spot in the park. You must be creative enough to include a true "Guerrilla Gardener" to be.

Just huppekee, under a bare tree, between the paving stones to being alone .. Attention and focus!
Another example?
you ever see those crazy offers, at ALDI example, bags of flower seeds? 6 bags for € 5, - for example. So what is stopping you. Lift a tile from the sidewalk to your house and plant the seeds against muur.Er is a fantastic German who launched a "Free Academy Gardens' .. Do you not bescheuren you ..? ( HERE link.)

Or plant them like this man in the picture, just under a tree on a road .. Sunflowers are perfect for this course guerrilla work.

It is so easy to make the world a bit more interesting, with such simple things! Look at the site of the American Guerilla Gardeners. HERE

This year Queen falls on a Friday, look at what the Queen can find markets for seeds for next to nothing. You then have the next Saturday to plant your seeds. Simple right?

And YouTube says it all.

Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.
Let Bill Gates with "new vaccines" the world VALLEY ..?!
By Guido ⋅ April 27, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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'Oops' slip of a Bill. Whether he spoke the truth just hard?

Multi-multi-billionaire Bill Gates has made his entrance to the philanthropists of the world. And he was apparently privy to their greatest concern: the growth and size of the population. This is still rising and threatens the Earth, that's the story that everyone should believe. But the solution is at hand .. New vaccines include, for example, the solution ..? According to Bill ... Huhhh .. .. New vaccines?

But first this: Bill has apparently the same story to foist what about 80% of Western populations for 'truth' is. Namely, that too many people on Earth would be. But move a step further and it is clear where this idea comes from: "Too many people threaten 'my life' .. '

Of course we need to see birth control as an important mechanism in controlling the load on our Earth. But please remember that just because people in these countries so poor, they often have many children ..! Several children give their parents a care insurance for their old age. Simple as that. Many children die early and not even reach adulthood.

But Bill Gates is convinced that above all those extra people, again to provide additional CO2 emissions. This, he claims during his speech at the highly respected TED presentations. See below.
Bill calls in this movie that there is hope. That the growth of the world can bring back. He uses the following text at 4:40 this movie:

"The world will grow to a total of 9 billion. But if we really make an effort and deliver good work, we can through good health, new vaccines, "reproductive-health" that growth by 10 to 15% "

Well you hear it, Bill did not let it slip, it is precisely in its appropriate picture ... My god what a violent text ...

Oops Bill, you speak very quickly over there, about that "new vaccines" ..
But of course what Bill hears as truth telling:

People in the Third World, where population growth is most can not in any way, but really not in any way, in the footsteps of the biggest polluters and largest CO2 emitters of all. Precisely, the United States of America and China. If all 6.5 billion people in this world would live as only the U.S. is already doing, then we would need 4.5 planet. AT THIS MOMENT!

The claim that the rich Western world imposes on our resources, pollution of responsibility, is in no way proportionate to that of the 'poor' countries.

If anything is clear from the present situation is that Western countries should keep their mouths shut and not the finger point towards poor of this world. They should hand in stabbing self-criticism and the 'poor' countries to assist in sustainable development. Simple As That ..!

Do not believe me? Look at this link here WantToKnow.
But the future will tell what the hell Bill Gates here for vaccination agenda hinted ..!
The nanobots are Coming ...
By Guido ⋅ April 26, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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The nanobots are coming! Scientists have discovered that they are almost invisible robots that, through our bloodstream able to travel for example to fight cancer tumors from within ..! This creates not the very nasty side-effects of other cancer therapies, such as a chemotherapy (if it would help though!) Recently, the new nanobot-cell therapy was first tested on people ..! Whoopee ...?

An impression of a nano-bot. Also moving parts have increasingly become part of this 'machinery' ..
A study, led by Mark Davis of the California Institute of Technology, noted recently in that nanotech robots, a method to perform the "RNA interference" is mentioned and which consists in these robots the proteins found to be related associated with the growth of cancer cells, then to 'off'.

From a study of 3 patients with melanoma, showed that the nano-bots that were covered with the protein "transferrin" in the tumor tissue could be inserted.

However, there is no mention about the final outcome, in other words, whether these robots were thus able to reduce the cancer tumors. But, according to the leader of the research was "encouraging to see how these nano-bots were able to find their way to find the tumors' ..

Of course there are potential risks to safety. What would you do? Could you research this little robots in your bloodstream to contribute? In any case, even a highly imperfect and incomplete science, one which has been busy for decades been speculated by science fiction writers.

You can hardly imagine you, a computer chip, which is even smaller than a human body cell. Yet these scientists have managed, these robots do. "Once this technology is more optimized," says concerned scientists, "these chips are used for human cell in the body activity measurement, disease earlier detection, drugs are big precisely" to deliver what they hear "and even be used to cells to repair.

Scientists at the Spanish Institute for Microelectronics in Barcelona have discovered how silicon nano-chips can record directly into cells, where this cell for the most part, 'normal' continues to work .. Another might say that he was not abnormal function when it is not 100% but obviously these scientists have reason to define it differently ..

Graphic representation of developing the latest generation of body cell chips on the bottom time axis, relative to the gray body cell .. The nano-bot is an unstoppable development process. Smaller and smaller .. And while potentially capable of more with each step ...
Scientists have once before tried to nanomaterials in cells to contribute, but that is mainly silicon, which is actually very pure sand, but silicone ensure that the electronic and mechanical (!) Parts are easier to integrate.

Soon, scientists hope these chips as intracellular sensors to use, making it therefore possible moet in order the activity of the human body cells to examine the inside-uit! The delivery of a drug, to the appointed spot, can be viewed.

When this technique is perfected, it will surely be a revolution in healthcare. These chips are in fact also be able to make measurements from inside the cells, energy-intensive medical devices and disease fighters. That in turn would promote developments in both areas, the development of the chips, such as health care.

And .. as a sign of further articles here, between nose and lips by ... "It may be a small step to meet the needs of the U.S. Pentagon, in the DARPA project has been defined". (For a special article about it HERE. )

It thinks of "immortal, verifiable synthetic creatures with murder genetic switches" .. (HERE )

Perhaps the "idiotic sci-fi dreamers' have to think much smaller than their now-elderly-creations of the cyborg beetles ..

And like all other inventions and things in our daily life is not the invention of the subject, but one who is the subject used for something that a world of difference between toe-and-tander '..
Jane Burgermeister and Polish President ...?
By Guido ⋅ April 21, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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What has happened in Poland? For many it is just a plane that crashed accidentally transported to the Polish President. In the current juncture, many things come together. Jane Burgermeister's site was from the air and it suddenly pops up in a YouTube movie, you can see below.

She stands in Poland and cares about the death of the Polish prime minister, who crashed the plane sat on that claimed no victims or survivors yielded .. She makes a clever summary of what ever may have been a revolution.
Is the president being shot, after the plane had crashed from a low altitude? Was he still alive? There is film footage taken immediately after the crash of the aircraft. The shots are heard, just after the crash, in the movie included. Where are the bodies of more than 90 passengers? You would have seen at least snippets THIS movie.

Bite Jane Burgermeister in this story down, because the link with the Polish refusal to flu vaccinations see? Look at her (in English) reports on its site.

Increasingly apparent that the article is here WantToKnow David Wilcock is a basic story, and proof always comes back to the regurgitation that we see in the world. (Want to see the first article click HERE. ) There is a big battle going on behind the scenes.

Poland is indeed the only country in the European Union against the H1N1 vaccination of the people voted. Even the industrial-pharmaceutical uitveegde the pan. Jane was therefore seen in this YouTube. (Thanks to Lianne!)
MONEY: (First?) Minister expensive way to flu ..
By Guido ⋅ April 1, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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While the EU research is still in full swing, there are cracks all over Europe in the power bastion of pharmaceutical spheres. It appears indeed that the pharmaceutical industry has been unable to curb its influence and to expand such that it has had to reduce to bribery, fraud and excessive lobbying practices.

The victims are of course all those citizens of EU countries that are completely unnecessary vaccinations administered on false scare stories about pandemic that threatens to plague us. Everyone is the broadcasting Pauw & Witteman addition, at the outbreak of the flu. Ab Osterhaus found it reason enough to cheer, "YES!, 33 million vaccines ordered" if it was SMS that he received a few days after the "first official event in the Netherlands.
we believe it will not be long before the dual role of highly Osterhaus will fully street. YES!

The message below speaks volumes. A Bulgarian minister apparently personal capital out of the billions in profits of Big Pharma felt compelled to save. A lawsuit against him will follow and details will be announced. A minister as a commercial agent for the pharma ... It should not be crazier.

The suspicion of corruption Bulgarian Minister of Health, Bozhidar Nanev, has a lot to explain.
The Polish minister who had not manipulated by Big Pharma also speaks volumes. For us, 'vaccination unsuspecting receivers, "now only a matter of love and become pluses.

Because the proposals of the contract that Big Pharma offered to them and that the Polish government did not sign such confidentiality (!!), may simply be public .. Let it read it. The outcome will clearly be an uncontrollable sewer air is already apparent.


* * * * * * *

Minister costly way to flu vaccines

The Bulgarian Health Minister Bozhidar Nanev ends Monday, March 29 resigned, shortly after the prosecution brought against him. Nanev would during the flu epidemic last year the state have a disadvantage in the purchase of Tamiflu.

Closed mid-December with drug manufacturer Roche Nanev a contract of over 3 million euros for the supply of 200,000 vaccines. According to the prosecutor, the British National Health Service offered the vaccines much cheaper to deliver. By contract with Roche Bulgaria would have paid 1.25 million euros too.

Once the indictment was announced, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov did say the resignation of Nanev expected. Combating corruption and crime are high on the agenda of Borisov center-right government. According to the prosecutor, there are no indications that Nanev has benefited from the deal with Roche. But why was it necessary to 1.25 million more to pay for the same vaccine that is unclear. Nanev himself said it to charge that his name is cleared. The flu epidemic disrupted in large parts of Bulgaria in public life. Schools and public services remained closed for days. About twenty Bulgarians deceased to the H1N1 virus.
MONEY: Research: "Any unnecessary panic to the flu"!
By Guido ⋅ March 1929, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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"The World Health Organization has unnecessary panic about the flu." writes that the British MP Flynn to the Council of Europe in a draft report. He is quoted in British newspaper The Guardian. Look HERE for the entire article.

Flynn refers explicitly to the extremely strange difference in the number of expected deaths and actual deaths. This difference undermines confidence in the WTO and thereby making it hazardous, says Flynn. He fears that many people perhaps will not be vaccinated with a warning and next call. Flynn is worried about the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in the opinion of public bodies about the flu. The verbatim text of the report on the impact of these industrial powers, as follows:

"Several factors have led to the suspicion arose was about undue influence of the pharmaceutical industry, ergo the possibility of conflicting interests of those in the WHO advisory sit on the early conclusion of contractual agreements between countries and pharmaceutical companies .

This is also based on the actual profits that pharmaceutical companies could achieve this as a result of this pandemic. "

The first part of the examination was held in January. The second part, which some experts will testify, is tomorrow in Paris. There the Polish Minister of Health the question as to why no country for its H1N1 vaccine purchased. In late April, the research results are available.

The Polish Minister of Health. Which TV show does well once to visit her the story of the pharmaceutical secrecy to hear. She has never signed on behalf of her country, and can speak from WEL-Fri .. Unlike our Minister, Mr.. Ab Klink.
(The motivation of the Polish government for not doing so is, incidentally, have long and extensive HERE on the site .. Minister Ms. Ewa Kopacze will undoubtedly say the same as they did in the Polish parliament. See our article)

In the Netherlands the approach of flu research topic.

The independent review is commissioned by Minister Klink of Public Health. Attention is given to both the administrative side of things as the conduct of the campaign. The study should be ready late this year.

The UK Cabinet Office is also working on an investigation. The central question is how Britain dealt with the threat of the flu. Results appear after June.
Drunvalo and the announcement of 22.04.2010
By Guido ⋅ March 1922, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Starting in October last year, we placed the 14-part series that Drunvalo Melchizedek made about his contacts with the indigenous peoples of South and Central America. In it he speaks extensively and with great footage on the axis changes that take place and the secrets it revealed Maya. However, there are now new cases in the pipeline and Drunvalo tells us the following YouTube about the exact announcing it. On 22 April as he will in a special broadcast missed any open market.

We place here this announcement announcement of the shaft, because it is so down to. If you missed the 14-part series, then we recommend this link and clicking the player in our special series also quietly to view. On the special invitation Drunvalo received, and reports of a polar axis shift.

The information about Drunvalo will release one month has to be information in this YouTube, more to do with the inner processes in ourselves will take place. However, now we will have to do with this announcement, and share everyone's feelings on this matter with each other .. There is room enough under the article, welcome!
The right 'attitude' for 2012 (letter to the editor)
By Guido ⋅ March 18, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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So regularly reach our mails from people who want to contribute to the transformation, which we all are facing. Similarly, the mail we received from Zeupa. A wonderful reflection on the institution, as human beings in these turbulent times further.

The essence is that we all realize that we only have a strong collective speak, as every individual himself confirms, for the way she / he is most suited. With good care of yourself, so by definition you care for the collective.

The great shift of 2012 is already in full swing, everyone feels the 'underground' movements. "Are we ready ..?
We often tend to be non-self-sufficient in this regard to consider. You hear lyrics like: "What could I do on my own for the greater whole?", Etc.

And yet is "m just now .. that's what the rub! Just by yourself as a key component to seeing the whole, the job YOU have good care of yourself, before you can do for others. Precisely by centering yourself, it is possible that "higher energies", higher frequencies your body and mental body to feed. And right there by you then able to reinforce the collective again ..

The comparison I make here happy with the announcement that we always hear the plane, just before we go into the air. "Loss of oxygen, the oxygen masks are automatically out of the boxes above the passenger seats. Put the mask on your mouth and do the elastic band over your head. Parents should first himself THE OXYGEN MASK TO DO BEFORE THEY HELP THEIR CHILDREN "..
Correct 'setting' for 2012

Zeupa Dordje © 2010


The transition which we are now and where 2012 is mentioned as tipping is the case at that time "the right attitude to have." Fortunately, there is information on the internet where you 'right attitude' can be found, as newspapers, television and radio act like nothing's wrong. Who believe that they are apparently not doing right at the tipping point the right attitude to have, so ignore this transition.

By aligning ourselves in silence, we grab our own destiny more light within ourselves to admit.
People who consult the Internet to get information, are finding that something special is going on at this time. Everywhere talks about an impending change.
The one sees the world on fire, floods, earthquakes, another provision terrible wars and still others a mutation into a higher form of being as that of mankind since time immemorial another massacre , extorted, and otherwise make life miserable.

All sites point to the need to prepare. The one that we think a stock of food and water should keep the other that we are the spiritual skill to make the pivot to mutate into a higher form of being. The latter interests me more than the creation of a stock cans, rice and water.

If the predicted disaster of those who predict that true, I have very little to a few cans and some water ...

How to prepare yourself for a change?
This mutation into a higher form of being able to describe one of those eternal cycle of murder, extortion and other misery steps. That seems to me somewhat. So I started preparing. And at that moment I became restless, for preparing tegerlijkertijd means 'not ready'. And I did exactly be, 'be ready'.

I want to 'be ready in time. " And given all the seismic moment, the banks that steal all our money, and even threats of war everywhere, I feel not too spent to want to 'not ready'. The worry, as I discovered, was itself a form of 'not ready'. When you finish all the turmoil is resolved.

So once I looked carefully to that feeling of worry. What does worry? The idea that these temporary housing that we call our bodies to be left without that we are 'ready'. Dismiss it with, "that I see it," is an option that we have not come up to come because then "you're not ready" at the time of the tipping point ...!

Then comes the unexpected and literally not know what happens to you. The knowledge of the release of the physical, material, the die is what we have to learn, we are ready at the time of mutation, because a life without war, extortion and other misery is only a "eterisch body 'possible. Not that you can not at the time of the life in your own material body can make, but if you've met, are you aware of your 'ethereal' body.

I think that is what those who "look or" abstain.

For them, there is joy and sorrow, for those who seek knowledge of moving away from dying, there is the adventure of what is, what is the quest. And that's a huge difference. As long as you're not going to do on that knowledge and experience that there are indeed two completely different ways are present in this body, you know not what I'm talking about ..!

Not that I myself 24 hours per day the adventure of 'What IS' realize, but I have many a glimpse of receive. For these glimpses of insight, joy and peace in time to take, I practice my alertness by thus to meditate.
That is the point, we are so accustomed to "that I see it," the NOW passes us without our noticing. This means that we're never really live ..
As to counteract all that loose habit, I do it by sitting down and my breathing carefully to observe. Then immediately clear how hard I needed at that moment, thoughts or feelings always lead me back from the focus on breathing.

Thoughts and feelings are judgments about what is, not what IS. Hence my 'hang' to meditate, I want to feel what IS with no personal or socially learned opinion. Only then opens reality. At the moment thoughts and feelings take over again, the matter quietly without any opinion on that detour to return to the focus on breathing.

Meditation allows us in the Silence of ourselves, our immortal 'self' experience.
Then at some point the rest where there is only one deep breath in or out is present in 'What IS', the wave of life and you feel in peace with surrender. There is 'exercise' requires following all those 'exercises' we were to judge ourselves to learn. These judgments are very practical for example to prepare food, a car to drive, but they have no meaning if we really want to experience.

On the contrary, every opinion is between reality and "myself in, because judgments are a translation of that reality. Such glimpses of reality in meditation regularly present, it opens a gate, with a quiet breathing is suddenly a view of 'everyday life' as if I am not part of it.

My body is part of it, but something else in your lights unless you can name what it is, you have the essence and always appointing thoughts to the mind. That's not to appoint. A wisdom without words is revealed behind the gate '. The knowledge of "the ethereal body. And in that sense, that being present then you discover that the time is not present in linear fashion as we see when we look at our watches, that it is time to eat and hungry.

Time, as experienced from the "etheric body" is not from A to B. There is a coming and going of experience with the degree of attention for this time creates. It is not coming and going experiences that attention, it is the degree of attention the attention. And that is "timeless" because cyclical. Derivative and again without opinion back to experience what it is today. And now that we realize "etheric body".

At times we experienced, we know even less attention we have that consciousness that perceives (the "etheric body") is eternal and our anxiety disappeared. Disappears more and more according to our conscious attention in the Now without judging 'cultivate'. So we get accustomed to our "etheric" and we're ready when the tipping point comes.

And precisely because of that joy "know to be ready," I wish everyone. And all those who "look or" wake up, it is also my wish. Only this love in the heart, the last port open, leading to ultimate freedom. And if those stories of 2012 based on fantasy, then we are least ready for the moment that our individual tipping there. And tie a nice bonus.

A cordial greeting to all readers WantToKnow!
A journey through time, in 2012 Conference in Zutphen!
By Guido ⋅ March 9, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Much has been said about 2012 against the backdrop of the Mayan Calendar. On the following conference will be moved to different backgrounds and perspectives. Following the highly successful lectures Nassim Haramein has 'The Lecture' from Heemstede, again, some big names in this field willing to share their knowledge.

On the initiative of and in cooperation with and supported by Harry van Zutphen 'Frontier', so she organizes the next lecture, we like to bring your attention.

More and more we find out that the substantial shift does not take place in the physical world, albeit to manifest in our unseen, metaphysical world.
The speakers at the end of March in Zutphen the 2012 transition will discuss, know this no other. They are masters at framing the changes already underway. we find it extremely worthwhile, to notify you of this 'master' conference.
HPV campaign counteract .. You help?
By Guido ⋅ March 5, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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"In April, May and October 2010, the first girls to be vaccinated against HPV 12 years. Also re the girls of 13 to 16 years who last year sued their HPV vaccine refused. Because the turnout for the previous campaign continued stabbing at about 50%, while at least 70% was expected, the RIVM has now decided to turn the advertising Combat for a new campaign.

Director Roel Coutinho announced during a speech in late October 2009 at the University of Leiden, now that emotions will be played by women portray themselves cervical cancer.

Should so-called 2009 the year of mass vaccinations are. The nervousness of the Dutch government to an advertising agency to take to promote vaccination in 2010, shows how pathetic the acceptance of (HPV) vaccination really is ..!
For most of you will not be news: there will be mailings to be sent home to local newspapers. Women and girls in magazines advertorials will appear. Editors will be visited with the aim of at least six major interviews in the mother and girls magazines. Biology teachers and schools receive a direct mailing. On various Internet sites are advertorials and online discussions will be monitored and adjusted. A complete marketing offensive is breaking loose.

It is time to counteract.

The NVKP will all these expressions closely. Plans for a comprehensive campaign against we have at the moment. We chose an independent role of knowledge and not an action group.

Well we have made an effort in recent weeks for a new piece of information. And we wish everyone who is ready for action at the forthcoming HPV campaign, help to give meaning to a different sound. We think it is very hard will be needed once again to offset the propaganda of the government, all the way to him or her.

The actions that many of you have had one years ago with success! It is an incredible experience for us was how suddenly spring 2008 a massive protest in our country began. For the first time we felt no longer fighting a losing battle. It must still succeed again this year to offer people what they are entitled to full information about vaccinations!

For our part to take on a new web we arranged, which contains a number of items about HPV:

• A brand new update of the HPV-file, Free Download!

• A beautiful HPV-poster, free (up to 5 per contract) be ordered via the website

• News update about HPV: influence of vitamin B12, marketing rules violation manufacturer HPV screening, etc.

• Also downloadable for free: a guide letter for the girls - The second round of HPV, girls beware! Cervical Cancer Vaccination for girls of 12 years.
By Guido ⋅ February 28, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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We wrote here a few weeks ago an article on honey and cinnamon. Ordinary products widely available and a huge influence on our internal and external functioning. Therefore, this article about Vinegar fully in place. Vinegar is probably the most underrated product that we use less and less in the household, is not exactly right to say that a wrong has spulletje ...

Recently, there was a wonderful documentary shown on TV, that the skill of vinegar makers fully elucidated. Since that time I also.
A long time ago came to the discovery that a cask of wine that had been too long and had become sour, tasty and very useful properties had. This home do you still back in the French word for vinegar, "vin Aigre. Literally means "sour wine."

Initially used mainly for fruit vinegar longer shelf life. But the acid was always more his own place in dishes, and since then has vinegar in many countries have developed their own culinary traditions. Think of the malt vinegar in England where every fish and chips "is generously sprinkled, the balsamic vinegar you find in every Italian restaurant is on the table and the rice vinegar, which is essential in Japanese sushi. Vinegar is also an important component of classic sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard and is used in chutneys, marinades and vinaigrettes.

Paul Benne Country, our unsurpassed site visitor, want to talk to us about this unique product have VINEGAR; the floor for Paul.

"Vinegar is a beneficial tool that we use in the kitchen to optimize (to taste) and to prepare our food. In some dishes, we add also vinegar during cooking. We think we are eating healthy and we all played with daily, our entire health system prescribed in good shape. And yet we as people have more problems with our health than we ever really aware.

We swallow, besides the food, often also additional vitamins and nutritional supplements. Although we still remain problems are, our overall health is not balanced, we suffer from constipation, diarrhea and even pains in the abdomen or gas formation.


Everyone knows the oil and vinegar you couples mainly around the Mediterranean sea areas, the restaurants on the table you've created.
All this has purely to do with a poorly functioning digestive system, your stomach is not able to include everything and that will lead to further your whole food inappropriate materials from the food record, which leads to the above complaints.

The problem lies in the acidity of the stomach, if you are unable to take you to some compounds. This is also not a good shooting place. The next round of digestion, the stomach acid to produce a different kind, making the degradation of the novel food in the stomach resulting in reduced uptake evan nutrients.

You eat really healthy with all those additional foods, but only on the long run, there is a greater chance that you experience can get diabetes, cancer, chronic pain and arthritis and even heart problems.

The reduced performance of the acid causes diseases and parasites easily find their way into the intestinal tract and can find a further decline of the immune system to promote. Once we suffer from too much acid, we are happy to swallow a pill against the advancing acid and alkaline products are practically engaged and greatly reduce the pH in the body.

Most people do not realize that good food and the added vitamins and nutritional supplements are poorly absorbed by the body which creates reduction of food intake and the risk of disease increased. The poor shooting continues to be an appetite hoouden and one will once again embark on a quick snack or even a small extra meal.

This act has specific symptoms and complaints that doctors through their favorite, inactive pill with side effects, further suppress the whole thing. She even worse, the surgical removal of certain organs and tissues, nothing helps more than even a homeopathic and / or natural medicine.


Vinegar is just in bottles and bottles for sale.
Vinegar is a fermented food products arises when acidic by the action of the right bacteria. If the aging of wine in the wine barrel is air example, alcohol can be converted to acid, creating a wine vinegar. Vinegar is chemically a solution of 4 to 15% acetic acid with various natural flavors and fragrances. (But unnatural flavors and fragrances used!)

Cleaning your body with vinegar is very beneficial, the natural acid is an effective disinfectant, one internal and one luchtververser cleaner that removes grease and mineral deposits. Vinegar fights bacteria and fungi and also supports the stomach acid into the stomach through the absorption of nutrients.

What does vinegar with our health?

* Improve metabolism (total metabolism)

* Promote digestion

* Helps chains bad cholesterol in our body to break down

* Prevents spots in aging skin

* Contains calcium, which fights osteoporosis

* Relieves headaches

* Can be used in the treatment of corns and foot fungus

* And in the fight against skin inflammation

* Lowers blood pressure

* Let cardiovascular function better

* Destroys harmful microbes in food

Previously, people had been recommended a daily dose of apple vinegar to take a small glass before meals does wonders, the inclusion of all food and food into body again accepted, making the stomach again the right kind of acid in the correct rate can create . The result is that the body eventually will recover and start functioning better.

"Heartburn is VERY GOOD FOR YOU '

Digestion is a complex process, it is a biochemical and physical process that ingested substances down into nutritional components. This whole process is greatly aided by digestive enzymes that are naturally present in living foods such as fresh, raw vegetable juices, for example.

Heated food, destroying almost all digestive enzymes, and this is one reason why health food cooked in fact decreasing in many people. On the other hand, raw and live food (eg salads) for breaking the digestion and absorption of nutrients, and this will be the intake of apple vinegar enhance the absorption of those nutrients.

Dead foods - which contain pasteurized enzymes cause stress on your liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Just because digestive enzymes are missing, which in turn is due to decreased stomach acid production is caused.
There are no other substances have more videos, so the composition of the acid decreases and only the remaining substances hardly be processed into a healthy transformation of good enzymes. Enzymes that are so very important for the health of our lives. In short, Vinegar is an essential substance, we should not underestimate ..!
The flu.
By Guido ⋅ February 1923, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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With all those stories about vaccinations against the flu, we almost forgot the phenomenon of 'flu' to see for themselves. The metaphysical background of flu, is often nothing more than a signal to your body 'driver' it, 'quietly alive an mot done.

This "driver" has earlier this signals overlooked and it just gets rubbed. Twice over. "On your bed and take a rest!" Why we like flu or a false secretion wish to qualify, is beyond me. Or does our image of the "terrifying disease" we also just been talk ..?

If I speak for myself, I can only agree that the flu always emerged in situations where I walked by myself, not for myself made, or "just was not myself" .. This means nothing other than that I had kept my energy is not centered. A virus has the opportunity to strike, and the body has no defense.

A beautiful sign of the body follows. Do not you listen, it is pneumonia or severe bronchitis at least one lurking around the corner. I assume you do also have experience with it. With 'Flu'. Smith also in January, our unsurpassed translator is sometimes just a man and got him to visit. Flu. January also said the flu here from him. A reflection:
Jan Smith © February 2010

I had one day or three flu.

No swine flu, not bird flu, no Mexican or other virologists invented by some exotic form of a virological laboratory to life of a virus being excavated prehistoric. Roel and Ab, the pendulum of Ricky and virologenland can sleep peacefully: there need not be declared pandemic.

Jan Smith had the flu.
Thursday that it suddenly hit far. At work. Fever, sweating, headache and a stuffy nose. Go home. For a moment, I was a bit worried, because I belong to the 'risk' as it is known nowadays. At home I crawled under the wool with a glass of whiskey and two paracetamolletjes. In no time I fell into a restless sleep.

The sweat broke me again and again, the snot ran from my nose, the first packet of handkerchiefs was already before I knew it and I had to go downstairs to get new ones. On the stairs to me dizzy. I had to sit down. I looked down into the fever thermometer and when I saw him a minute later pulled from under my tongue, I could barely distinguish dancing print: 37.9.

When I opstrompelde stairs, I counted the real value here is this: I had a fever. "That was years ago, I thought, as I lifted my left leg and waited for my bed slid underneath. Shivering, I pulled the duvet over my head quickly.

The next morning I realized that I have in years fashioned a deal had flu. Swine Flu? Bird flu? I had to let me ... "No, No, No," flashed through my watery head.
I just flu. A little fever, colds, sore throat, stiff muscles, painful joints. It's all part. It is also within a few days again. It is sometimes really good a few days to have flu. Like a uitzieken is the cure.

Actually I was a bit to enjoy the fact that I once again had to deal with this discomfort. Why not. I had to laugh inwardly: this is the well, which we so much in recent months scare talk about us having received? Was this it, which we all had to be terrified? Are we this mass death? Of course not! Lulverhalen are referred to the sale of vaccines, but also as the infamous 'Tamiflu' to sell them.

I'm just sick good, not so pathetic. Everyone gets in life a few times just the flu. Even people who belong to the risk.
The realization that the body in a big battle with that nasty virusjes was worth a meditation and I closed my eyes. I felt the pain in my joints in my neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, hips, thighs, knees, ankles and toes.
Slowly I let the pain out of my drain system. I went with my thoughts for the stuffed nose and throat mucous membranes, saw the large amounts of adherent mucus, and sent love to go there as much for performing the dirty but necessary job.

As a spectator in the struggle between good and evil ..
I sniffed deeply the air of the cut onion on my bedside table was crowded inside. Went with my whole being to the fever, the radiant heat as a result of the struggle between good and evil in the body and I felt it was good. There was a lot of stuff that is not cleared in this body belongs.

I sent healing energy to my throat raw and painful and causes my mind to beautiful golden opkleurde. I have complete trust that this body is reborn from this temporary breach would come forward and fell into a deep, very deep sleep.

The next morning I felt a lot better again, was still in bed one morning. With a book. Just rest. Everything felt a lot calmer and less stressful and I found satisfaction that the flu has passed its peak.

Occasionally, once every few years a strong flu is good for us. Sounds crazy, but it's true: your system will get a big turn. If you allow and raises no resistance, but whole sets and let happen, is suffering already half won.

And Tamiflu? Although the suppositories are not, I say Osterhaus Coutinho and say: put them all but nice in your h..!
Vaccines and heavy chemical waste ..!?
By Guido ⋅ in February 1919, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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How is it possible? Who ask us again and again, especially when it comes to anything to do with vaccinations. Where is the common sense gone? That you may still be wondering, if you're following article from the Süd-Ost Schweiz newspaper reads that we have put translated. The message also speaks for itself ..

Safe enough to inject, but as chemical waste processing .. As the mercury in vaccines is a threat to public health. Vaccines as chemical waste, how is it possible ..?


11.02.2010 -

Now even the cost of disposal?
That supplies of vaccine against the flu in Germany the Federal States have cost millions, is nothing new. Now it is known, however, that the surplus vaccines as extremely hazardous waste should be treated. The reason is the small amounts of mercury in the vaccine Pandemrix present.
Who should bear the cost for this waste in Switzerland is not yet known. And whether there should even be someone in Germany has been about who has thought was untraceable. But the answer will be by 2011, since then because of most vaccines have reached their expiration date.
Aspartame: from poison to 'natural sweetener' ..
By Guido ⋅ February 15, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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There is good news and bad news about Aspartame is to report. The great news is that its manufacturer in piepzak is, because his health-threatening giant profit-maker "Aspartame" on the slope, and condemned its global position to thunder. The bad news is that the manufacturer does not just happen and leave a stable of ultimate marketingtruuc gets to you and me once spoofed in the belief that they can influence us with a different name and claim.

Unfortunately for them, we know the history better than many of Aspartame and therefore we see it as our task you about the antics of the Ajinomoto company, for that is the manufacturer.

Where once Mr. Donald Rumsfeld and former director and major shareholder pockets are filled with the sweet chemical poison, it is now the new owner to this capitalist makeover alive.

Where we have already denounced this story with a depth article on Aspartame HERE, is the news article below is an essential addition.
Aspartame's new name.
It is now as natural sweetener 'sold!
(NaturalNews) February 12 2010/Ethan Huff, citizen journalist

What is the reaction of the manufacturer of one of the most spectacular artificial sweeteners, where a growing awareness in the world takes place on the dangers? Simple, you give it a different name, then sells it as "of course ..

This is precisely the strategy of Ajinomoto, the manufacturer of aspartame, which it a haze before the eyes of the public hoping to attract. The 'new' version of aspartame is now called "Amino Know" got ..

Dangerous? Do not worry, aspartame appears to be more fashionable.
Aspartame was more than 25 years ago in the European food chain introduced. Today, it is an everyday component of most diets including drinks, sugar free desserts and sugar free gum in almost all countries of the world.

But the tide has turned because the public has woken up is on the truth about artificial sweeteners like aspartame and the damage it can cause to our health.
The marketingtruuc now being extracted is a desperate attempt to inform the general public to indoctrinate the chemical sweetener to accept as a safe and natural way, unlike the evidence submitted to show the exact opposite ...

Aspartame was a chance discovery by James Schlatter, a chemist who in 1965 tried a drug development to combat stomach ulcers, for pharmaceutical GD Searle & Company. When he was two amino acids mixed, which may also occur in nature, namely aspartic and phenylaline, he discovered that the new blend had a sweet taste.

The company only had to change the heading on the Form FDA-approved (Food and Drug Administration/voedsel- and had authority in the U.S.) to the discovery of new drugs for food additive to rename, and voila, aspartame was born ..! The company patented aspartame in 1970. An internal memo was made public in the same year, reported on efforts by the leadership of Searle & Company to the FDA to put pressure for "a positive unqualified attitude" to ensure, as an "unconscious thought to cooperate" with the approval of the chemical agent.

In 1973, Searle & Company's first petition to the FDA, and fought many years for FDA approval. It operated the company of the tactics that she submitted her own research as proof that the drug would be safe. Research which many experts believe that they are inadequate and deceptive were.
And despite much opposition, protests, including some of their own scientists, it was Searle enable the FDA in 1974 to persuade acceptance for Aspartame for commercial use in some food, which brings a huge controversy.

In 1976, FDA Commissioner Alexander Schmidt wrote a letter to Senator Ted Kennedy recently deceased, which he expressed concern about the "dubious integrity with which the results were obtained on the investigations into the safety of Aspartame."

Another FDA-member, FDA chief Richard Merrill was convinced that a grand jury investigation should look into Searle & Company, and the lies that this company had over the safety of aspartame in its reports and to withhold Evidence suggesting the chemical that is absolutely unsafe for consumption.

How is it possible that, unlike the mountain of evidence that over the years have collected over the highly toxic nature of aspartame, the product still traded on the world, and that only a few countries have banned ..? ! In fact, it still gets approval for new types of 'food' to be treated, despite the evidence that the neurological defects and deformities caused cancerous. That defects in the endocrine system in the body and everything else while.

The outcome of a trial prvie aspartame conducted in rats. (See our earlier article, click on the picture)
The details of the history of aspartame are plentiful, but the point remains that the illegal carcinogenic plea was approved as a food additive. Mainly by the strong pressure and op instigation of a powerful company with its own interests in mind.
Increasingly it appears that the FDA approves drugs and food additives, not because the scientific results show that they are safe. But mainly because big companies are able through lobbying on key areas within the FDA and by financial support from the multi-millions of U.S. dollars consuming approval process within the FDA approval as it were enforced.
By changing the name Aspartame in "Amino Know", gives this material an attractive and easy-to-remember new name, said Ajinomoto's explanation.

But for many around the world will just this incredible marketing tactics and nothing less than a desperate move by the manufacturer of the chemical, contribute to the eventual demise of this multi-billion dollar cash cow unprofitable.

Make sure you're not being tricked!
Yeah ... let the Afghans to train ..!
By Guido ⋅ February 8, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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The news is that in the corridors of political compromise in the works would be on the Afghan mission, our Afghan mission. A mission that will not be brought to an end, so it seems. Because we are a loyal ally, we do so very well in Afghanistan ... "What are they without us" ..?

The compromise being talked about, is that we plan out the Americans and other countries to help train the Afghan army .. How noble .. Training the Afghan army ..

Let the context here is a big step to make, just a quote from a U.S. training officer in the following YouTube pick: "It's like a classroom of 28 students on stage are"
And how about this
quote: " If a drug test would be among the Afghan soldiers we train, then 75% of these 'soldiers' own up'.

A sad story about displaced boys, as a last resort, apparently have put their signatures under an Afghan army recruits contract. It's almost a slapstick movie where you start looking. If it was not too sad for words, you would be palatable to laugh. Afghan soldiers, who after seven years are still struggling, the basic principles of the army to master. Resort to 'hasjish "the idiocy of this life to soften.

And then the 4000 or more military trainers, who will Obama send any usefulness, it is seriously doubtful. And since then the Dutch army should be doing ..?!

YouTube is full of such movies. And how is it possible that American soldiers, even officers, warn the biggest flop of the political decision: the 'training of the Afghan army ..

Tjongejonge, is incredibly naive and far from reality are you removed when you leave your "tower" This decision will take this kind of wrongs will only increase. Or should something special, the Americans and others can not, in training of soldiers ..? After 8 years they already are!
But perhaps one of our representatives will this movie twist in the House, when debating the future of the Afghanistan Mission ..! Perhaps under the "pleasure of a 'hasjish" the atmosphere at all to catch ...! It's finally almost carnival ..
AIDS: The big medical deception! (+ Update)
By Guido ⋅ February 6, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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"AIDS is a fraud and people do not die of AIDS, but the so-called 'medicine' against AIDS .." When I read, it was like I was hit by lightning. Especially when I had read the entire article and face representations received from many doctors who reported. But it seems as if the world did not hear it .. All listening was deaf .. How is this possible. .?

It was the disease known as death no.1 in the world would face book .. But how is it possible. The big medical deception. If this information is correct, and yet we have no reason to doubt these conclusions, it is our proprietary 'friends', yet people like you and me, after all, very informed.

That they knowingly spread a very false illness. Why? To sell an HIV test to all hospitals in the world? Then also a means to sell AIDS, "AZT," which on closer inspection is worse than the disease. Indeed, AIDS CAUSED? I leave the conclusions to be happy on your own judgments.
AIDS: The major medical fraud
by David Icke (

2010 © Translation by Jan Smith for / be

(NaturalNews) HIV causes AIDS is not. HIV causes anything. A staggering statement given the hype and acceptance by the scientific establishment, and by the general public that the HIV virus is the sole cause of AIDS. HIV is a weak virus and the immune system breaks down. And AIDS is not transmitted through sex.

He keeps calling, David Icke, "Human Race, or get your Knees!" The time is there, that we never pick up!
There were two main types of the HIV virus. We use here the analogy of an airplane: one type you refer to as the "pilot virus. That is the character state of a cell to change and could in the direction of an illness sent. This usually occurs quickly after the virus has taken root. The other virus is known as "passenger virus" that lives outside the cell, it flies along, but never affects the cell to the extent that it can cause disease.

HIV is a "passenger virus!

What the fuck is possible that this virus has become a bogeyman? The man who was able world that HIV is the cause of AIDS, is an American, Dr.. Robert Gallo. Meanwhile, this 'doctor' accused of professional misconduct, his research methodology has proven to be fraudulent, and two of his laboratory are now convict for committing a crime. Each year tens of millions of people tested for HIV antibodies and Dr. Gallo, who are 'research method' has patented, however, receive for each test is still a royalty of the pharmaceutical industry, which made the tests.

The sensational book by Dr. Robert Willner nonsense about the correlation between sex and AIDS. (Click on the image for a detailed description of Dr. Willner)
Luc Montagnier, Gallo's partner in the " HIV causes AIDS " theory in 1989 admitted that "HIV is unable to destroy the immune system, as is found in people with AIDS. Nearly 500 scientists around the world agree with him. Similarly Dr. Robert E. Wilner ,author of the book " The Deadly Deception. Proof that sex and HIV Causing AIDS Absolutely NO ' . [Peltec Publishing Co.. USA 1994, 266 pages, ISBN 0-9642316-1-1.]

Dr. Wilner injected himself nota bene in the HIV virus during a Spanish broadcast program to support his allegations.

Other doctors and authors come to similar conclusions. Two of them, Peter Duesberg PhD and John Yiamouyiannis PhD, write in their book, ' AIDS ': "The good news is that it is caused not by HIV. The bad news is that it comes from so-called "recreational drugs" and medical treatments for example, AZT is. " .That's a long title, but he gives the weather situation.

People with AIDS are dying because of what treatment is right for the "treatment" of AIDS! It goes like this in his work.

Now it is accepted by the establishment that HIV causes AIDS, the system has this myth recorded in the whole diagnosis and "treatment". You go to the doctor and you are told your HIV test was positive (positive in terms of HIV antibodies, by the way, because there will not be investigated for the presence of the virus itself) because of the propaganda, people already emotionally and mentally when they die alone, that Notice. They are so conditioned and believe that death is inevitable from that moment.

The fear of death is the reason that they are about to accept, often requiring that she "treatments" get AIDS do break (but do not!) The most famous method is AZT, produced by the " Wellcome Organisation ' , owned by none other than - you're right? the Rockefellers , the main manipulative family in the New World Order.

AZT was developed as a cure for cancer that chemotherapy should be used. But even before that AZT was too toxic method found! The effect of AZT in the treatment of cancer was simply killing cells, not only cancer, but just all cells, even healthy. The question was, which is widely accepted even within the medical establishment: "All cancer would AZT may have slain before it could kill many healthy cells that the body it died? This is the drug that is used for 'treatment' of HIV.

"That's what a scam that has resulted in a power manufacturers of condoms and ensuring that our fear of sexual expression predominates and the creative deployment of our expansion in the way."
What is the effect of treatment with AZT?
AZT destroys the immune system and thus causes AIDS. People die for that treatment, not the HIV virus is slain, but people are slain ! AIDS is simply the destruction of the immune system where all kinds of reasons, but none of them has to do with sexual relationships. That's a scam that has resulted in a power manufacturers of condoms and ensuring that our fear of sexual expression predominates and the deployment of our expansion in the creative way.

Many deaths wrongly attributed to AIDS

What has happened since the big AIDS scam is that when someone dies now to put together a geduveld immune system, it is said that the immediate cause of death was AIDS. It is very ingrained in the diagnosis. Because if you are HIV positive and you die of tuberculosis, pneumonia or 25 other unrelated diseases now by the AIDS swindlers associated with AIDS are placed, you get diagnosed cause of death as 'automatic' AIDS after your name.

And if you are not HIV positive and you die or one of those diseases mentioned, it died and you're NOT AIDS. This makes the figures manipulated to every day but especially to show that only people who are HIV-positive dying of AIDS. And so, the myth itself alive ..!

And so it is a gross lie.
Most people with AIDS die're not HIV positive and the reason that the mortality due to AIDS pan have been raised as predicted, it has to do with the fact that the vast majority of people who are HIV-positive were never developed AIDS. Why?
Because HIV has nothing to do with AIDS. Why!

Anything that breaks down the immune system causes AIDS and is therefore also called recreational drugs. The vast majority of deaths due to AIDS in the U.S. has to do with homosexuals and that keeps the myth that it all would have to do with sex. But homosexuals in the U.S. are the biggest users of drugs by licensed physicians associated with AIDS. Prostitutes who take drugs often get Aids, prostitutes who do not use drugs, invariably get no AIDS.

The increase in AIDS rates in the U.S. correspond perfectly with the increase of drug use - that the ordinary man in the street is made available by elements within the U.S. government , including Bill Clinton and George Bush. In Africa, the degradation of the immune system, now known as AIDS, caused by poor health, lack of good and sufficient food, clean water and general nature of poverty.

Hemophilia Patients do not die in HIV-infected blood, they die, just like when there was no evidence of that scam with AIDS, 'just' a 'twisting' in their own immune system. This system connects with foreign proteins in the blood administered and sometimes can result in confused during this process and attack itself. The immune system commits suicide in a sense. HIV therefore has nothing to do.

How many people today who are not HIV positive and were seeing their lives go to ruin by the fear that the symptoms of AIDS is going to manifest any time?

AZT is the culprit ..!

Blinded our fear of AIDS, our own assessment capacity?
How many people today who are not HIV positive and were seen going to ruin their lives by the fear that the symptoms of AIDS is going to manifest any time?

AZT is the culprit. There are no known cases where AZT managed the symptoms of AIDS to reverse. Why? AZT because those symptoms right CAUSED! The AIDS industry is currently worth billions of pounds a year and delivers an incredibly big business for medicine industry that the Rockefellers and the rest of world elite is checked.

"We can many times be exposed to HIV without ... .. infected. If you have a properly functioning immune system, making it within a few weeks to antibodies. "
Iraq defies U.S. and UK for the right of DU munitions.
By Guido ⋅ February 2, 2010 ⋅ Comment on This Article
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Will there finally be justice? Iraq defies U.S. and UK before the court, for the use of Depleted (DU) uranium in weaponry.

The question now is whether the gate of the dam. Or after that trial, the thousands of lawsuits from soldiers and civilians against their governments, including that of Dutch soldiers will burst ...

Returned from Iraq, Afghanistan and even the former Bosnia, running our guys around with radioactive particles in their body ...?
Consider these two articles here on WantToKnow. HERE the article including story of the Dutch Corporal Paul Kester HERE for the extended two weeks ago.

The following message sounds like music to our ears .. Although that may sound harsh in relation to the horrific images as you can see from below.
For how is it possible? That we ask our many years away, how is it possible that governments so incredibly naive, to radioactive ammunition and bombs. Is this have to foist weaponry by the Military Industries, which probably also your pension money is invested ..?

And please note: the radioactivity of the ammunition is not denied!
The aim, according to our and other democratic governments, on behalf of their citizens, that the level of radioactivity so easy task as not to damage ..! NOT REALLY ..

You understand, therefore, suddenly not that from nuclear plants, as in Petten, just slightly radioactive waste such as gloves and clothing, but in concrete to be poured and storage needs ..!!?

This child was born with abnormalities that are directly related to the effects of Depleted Uranium (DU) (More click directly on the photo for the Google 'Depleted Uranium' image results)
Depleted Uranium, which we know as depleted uranium, is the greatest scam in human history. Despite denials from manufacturers and military leadership, despite the soothing words of governments. This article is from the website and we place the translated PressTVIrak. the original article HERE. Mainstream media do your work on earth!

Iraq to sue U.S., Britain over depleted uranium bombs
MGH / JG / DT February 1, 2010

The Iraqi Ministry for Human Rights, a legal action against the United States and the United Kingdom for use by these countries of bombs equipped with Depleted Uranium (DU), said the Iraqi minister.

This minister, Wijdan Mikhail Salim, told the newspaper "Assabah" that this lawsuit is based on reports from the Iraqi Ministries of Science and Environment.

According to these reports, both countries (the U.S. and UK) during the first years of the invasion of Iraq, repeatedly used bombs containing DU.

According to Iraqi weapons experts, both countries bombed Iraq with less than 2000 tons (2,000,000 pounds!) Depleted Uranium ..!

The radiation from the dust of these bombs have the number of deformed babies born in the southern provinces of Iraq to rise significantly. (In some cases by over 25%! GJ)

Iraqi doctors say they also struggle with this serious increase in cancer cases, especially in cities that were targets of intense U.S. and British bombing.

The high number of birth defects and cancers, in the coming years also will move to the central part of Iraq, and the Northern provinces, because the radioactive rays will penetrate the soil and water through the dust in the air.

The Ministry is looking for a form of compensation for the victims of these Uranium bombs.
Are you born before 1978 ..?
By Guido ⋅ February 1, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Are you born before 1978? Please continue reading here ..

But are you born after 1978: Please hop ..! Because this story understand you do not! For how is it possible on earth that we, as born in the years 1950/1960 and 1970, are still alive ..!? That's what this story. For according to the theories in the year 2004 - 2005 - 2006 we had already long be dead ..?

Why ..? Well hey .. That's obvious .. Just a few facts then:

We sat in cars without safety seats, seat belt and air bag
Our beds and toys were painted with paint full of lead and cadmium. So our pencils, we nibbled the paint-by the color nice and just go from sucking the wood of the pencil ..!
Top of the stairs was no gate, just kukelde who went too far down.
If you woke up in bed that nobody heard, and if there really was something you had to scream so loud but just your parents noticed that, the baby was in any case.
Bottles of hazardous substances and all pharmacy bottles we just could with our little hands to open and limited motor skills. And did so regularly.
Gates and doors were just closed. Well, and if you have your fingers between Sat, they were just gone.
You sat back on the bike with your butt on the hard luggage and you're trying to stick to the coil of the saddle for you, whatever the weight of your father or mother who was over .. Meanwhile, your legs dangling dangerously along the rotating spokes of the wheel ..
A helmet they had not even a moped. Let alone on a bicycle.
We drank water from the tap, not from a bottle. And if you drank from a bottle, you had them filled ..
Color and flavoring must also then exist, because as red, green or yellow as the lemonade was then, I see they're really not.
Your deep pink gum put you in the evening just on the bedside table and put you in the morning back in your mouth. He was tough, but then "he just another soft ..
At school she had a custom bench and who had such a great Dangerous flip out.
Shoes were usually already be wearing by brother, sister, cousin or something, and your bike was either too big or too small.
A bike had no gears, so you cycled with the same stairs, and going against the wind. And as a band was broken, you were taught to him as soon as possible to stick yourself.
We went in the morning away from home and we came back when the street lights went. In the meantime, but nobody knew where we were and we had no cell phone with you!
The forest or a park was a place to play and no dirty male gathering place.
When we went for a boyfriend, you just ran to it, no one needed to call and no appointment. There was no adult with you, that you brought, and again picked up.
We then ate too much cookies and sandwiches were much butter and fat meat, and were still not fat.
We drank very tough from the same bottle as our friends and no one was sick. Even if occasionally a little troubles in the bottle ended up ..
We did not have Playstation, Nintendo, Xbox, 64 television, videos, DVD, surround sound, private televisions, home computer or MySpace-friends on the Internet. We had real friends!
The television started only at 18.00 hours. Then came an hour or something fun for kids and oh woe if you then dare to stand up to a button on another channel to push (which were then fixed to the unit). Dad decided what and how long you still .. looked He stood up to the TV on another channel to continue, with hands and feet!
We have cut, broken bones, broken teeth and nobody was here to go to court or towed, the police summoned. These were just accidents, and sometimes you also got yourself an extra spanking for your parents ..
We fought and beat each other sometimes green and blue, there was no adult who is bothered, let alone that you are a badge of a ladybug on your coat pocket.
Pedagogically sound toys made ourselves, beat us with sticks to ball, we built soap box and noticed under the mountain that a brake on it, anyway been handy already ..
We played football in the street, and only those who could participate was good, who was not good enough but had to keep watching and learning to deal with disappointments. Until he asked. And you heard about it really, if you accidentally a pane of one window had been kicked ..
At school children were too stupid. They went and came at the same time as us and got the same lessons. They were sometimes even a class one year and there were no discussions about parents' evenings. The Master was always right.
We smeared our own sandwiches, with a grown-knife, and if you had left your sandwiches at home, at school you could buy anything! First, there was nothing to buy and secondly you have no money ..
If you did not eat bread crusts of you, was always just a little more hungry the rest of the day.
We went by bike to school all by ourselves, even in winter! Even if the gutter of the air.
If your mother at the door waving at you, you were really a wimp!
And if you really have problems with were your parents agree with the police. Your parents did you ever pick up, but not you look at dicks. Your actions have consequences and that was clear and you could not hide.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility. We must learn to deal with it.
Our generation has produced many people who can solve problems, innovative busy taking risks and dare to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. You belong in there too? CONGRATULATIONS!

By The Way: Organic BTWvrij!
By Guido ⋅ January 1931, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Healthy food is mainly ordinary. Organic food is essentially. And that our organic food to a healthier advance process is now clear. We choose more and more all together, but it is still too slow. Nothing against Unilever's of this world, but the scale of these businesses is disproportionate to the scale of organic food production. It has our support badly needed because the investments that the organic sector calls, particularly strong. An indirect public funding, this sector a green boost giving. Do you here that?

A petition for tax-free of organic food has over 140 000 (digital) signatures received. For a so-called citizens to help citizens an item on the agenda of the House to place at least forty thousand signatures must be collected. If there is enough support in parliament for an initiative, this can lead to the submission of a bill.

Click the poster for a link to the website where you can sign the petition.
The Government contends that its company restaurants in 2010 at least 40% of organic products should be used. Like schools and healthcare institutions will have to make more use of organic catering. With various parties have been various agreements reached to move from words to add. So far so good!

Essential element is missing in all appointments. Who pays the bill?

Precisely, the consumer. And those consumers who want to bill?

As long as organic drinks often twice as expensive as non organic drinks, the goals are not achieved.

With the signature list on the site Bio VAT free! wants entrepreneur Leo Dijkgraaf, owner of including an organic meat and initiator of the petition, "quite specifically to the government asking the consumer who wants to invest in organic consumption, to meet by providing the next two years all eco-certified foods tax free. "

A lower price, Dijkgraaf argues, will promote organic consumption, which in turn leads to a cost reduction. And that drives the biological flywheel further!

Last year the Court has already decided that when buying cars for the consumers advantage is by taking into account the environment. The move to the (temporary) abolition of VAT on organic food seems so just a little.

Affordable organic snacks
(De Telegraaf)

VEENENDAAL - Organic food is unnecessarily expensive. Leo Dijkgraaf entrepreneur came by accident back when he was looking for a sound version of the "greasy snacks. He suggested a petition to spontaneously and are now more than 110,000 Dutch to protest behind him.

Leo Dijkgraaf wanted the range in the canteens of its call center Annie Connect, where some 700 people work, spread with organic snacks. But when he was looking for burgers, sausage rolls and snacks such as hot dogs he was disappointed. "They were not. Amazed, I made contact with an organic butcher and baker and challenged them, "and croquettes, sausage sandwiches, burgers and delicious balls, we want!" She went to work and made the best products with no regular snack can control. I wanted them immediately on the market. "

But when he stepped into another world. "Suddenly I understood why organic products as expensive. And that is not regrettable, because the consumer is quite willing to pay slightly more for fair food. But this is just to big money. It is not money, but the percentage charged! "

He gives an example. "A sausage roll costs 70 cents to production, which is double a regular one. And of course, the packing company, the frozen sir, the transport company, supplier and seller deserve something. But if anyone throws 15 to 20 percent on top of it, is that sausage roll for the consumer ultimately twice as expensive! Why does the consumer base price difference of 35 cents back? People are really willing to pay more for organic versions. And let's be honest, it is also still deserved. "

He started the action "Bio BTWvrij. " The VAT on organic food are in percentages, so let the government set a good example. For her efforts alone restaurants in operation at least 40% of organic products to be used this year, with the current prices are not really succeed, "predicts Leo Dijkgraaf.
Some health tips from Mr.. K. Neel ..
By Guido ⋅ January 1929, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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There are those who marvel at the discoveries of modern medical science in general, and the 'beautiful' work of the pharmaceutical industry in particular. What they do for each other. We seem to forgetting that both medical science and chemical pharmacy, in almost all cases based on natural processes .. Processes for centuries and centuries old and familiar ..!

How is it possible that we will vigorously as the separation between 'regular' and 'alternative' ..? Because they are not just in one line?
And that separation is not simply a mirror of our dual spirit that the "easy" is to think in boxes and then look at the contents ..? That belongs to alternative and is therefore sussemmeso. E n which is regular and therefore dittemmedat .. How beautiful it is not the natural healing of the past and just do not forget to consult again.

.. Quackery?
It is also very funny way of course here on the site in the comments often dual nature of alternative and mainstream, good or bad, is fought. If it were a contest .. Where does it begin and quackery of the elusive essence of healing ..? Where does the chemical scope of Big Pharma and we hear the key call of nature?

Back back to basics.
Honey and cinnamon .. How much of this type of home, garden and kitchen tips are there not just to us the most basic complaints can help. PROVEN! Eg Take a look at the previously installed article here on the site about something as simple as the UI .. A valuable plant medicine. Preventive and curative. (HERE) .
But for now at Honey and cinnamon. (And do not go into the proof-of-the-questions list ..!)

Honey and Cinnamon

I bet the pharmaceutical industry does not want this going around. The simplicity of natural resources beneficial to heal our bodies, is too often overlooked. Just take something ordinary honey and cinnamon. And take a look now the facts ..

Facts on Honey and Cinnamon

Discovered that a mixture of honey and cinnamon can cure many ailments. Honey is produced in most countries of the world. Modern scientists accept honey as a "miracle oil" (very effective) for all types ailments.

Honey can be used without any side in any kind of disease. Modern science says that even as honey is sweet, as if the medicine is taken in the correct dosage, does not harm diabetic patients. (That you have to figure out here ... winny)

Weekly World News , a Canadian magazine, has given on January 17, 1995 a list of ailments / diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as studied by Western scientists. Here's the list:

Heart disease:

Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, do it on bread instead of jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from a heart attack. And for those who already had an attack, if they follow this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of this process relieves you of breath and strengthens the heartbeat.

In America and Canada, various nursing homes successfully treated patients and found that as you get older, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and hide, but that honey and cinnamon to the arteries and veins re-vitalization.


Arthritis patients daily morning and evening one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one teaspoon cinnamon powder drink. If that is taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. A recent research conducted at the University of Copenhagen, it was discovered that if the doctors their patients treated with a mixture of one spoon honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder before breakfast, she within one week found that of 200 people so treated, almost 73 people total were relieved of pain within one month and prevented most patients the arthritis could not walk or ride started to walk without pain.


Take two teaspoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon (or spoon?) Honey in a glass warm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.


Two spoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in a cup tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, and it was discovered that the cholesterol level in blood was ten percent less, within two hours.

And as mentioned in arthritis patients, if you do this three times a day, any chronic cholesterol cure. According to information that came from that Journal can pure honey, taken daily in food, complaints of cholesterol removal.


Those suffering from common or severe colds may be three days long, so every day, take a spoonful of lukewarm honey with ¼ spoon cinnamon powder. This process will most chronic cough, cold cure, and sinuses clean.

Upset stomach IS:

Honey cinnamon powder cures stomach ache welcomed and cleans stomach ulcers from their roots.


According to studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is freely gases.


Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body against bacterial and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large quantities. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood cells against bacterial and viral diseases to fight.


Cinnamon powder on two teaspoons of honey and sprinkled on the food ingested, relieves acidity digests the heaviest meals.

INFLUENZA: Influenza:

A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ingredient which kills influenza germs and saves the patient from the flu ....


Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, to keep the ravages of aging. Take four spoons of honey, a spoonful of cinnamon powder and three cups of water and make tea. Drink one fourth cup three or four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and keeps aging. The lifetime increases and even a 100 years, begins a 20-year chores to perform.


Three spoons of honey and one teaspoon cinnamon powder paste. Bring on the pimples before going to sleep and was the next day with warm water. If you do every day two weeks, remove the pimples from the root.


Put honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected area, it heals acne, ringworm and all types of skin infections.


Daily morning half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon in a cup boiling water. If you regularly use reduces the weight of even the most thick person. So, the regular intake of this mixture allows the fat does not build up in the body, even if the person is a diet with a high number of calories used.


Recent studies have shown that sugar in honey is more helpful than detrimental to the strength of the body. Older people who take honey and cinnamon in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton who here has done research says that half a spoonful of honey in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 03:00 am when the vitality of the body begins to diminish, then the vitality of the body within a week.


People from South America first in the morning gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.
An energetic course: the Meta Tronic Keys (TMK)
By Guido ⋅ January 1920, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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WantToKnow trying to be the messenger of new and "hidden" trends in our society. We try it with an open mind to see and then let loose again, sometimes let the 'free' here on the site so you can look forward and do the same with you: look, you take up and release. And if the information you find on this site resonates with you, the shopping / products / information clearly in "resonance" with your own flow.

The following message is also within this framework and characteristic of "new development in our society . The following information from James Tyberonn we'd like to offer as part of this 'new developments'.

Who is Tyberonn?

(Translation of Saskia Molin)

James Tipton writes under the pseudonym Tyberonn. Although he is friendly and relaxed in his actions, he is a complex visionary with a strong interest in earth energies and hence communication, as in metaphysics. It puts in him so that if at first sight to be seen, but its length of 1.95 meters and weighing 125 pounds is not easy to see him on the head!

Tyberonn on one of his trips around the world, here at Lake Titicaca in Peru.
He is a family man, father, conservationist and humanist, was active in the senior management of a global energy work, he collects minerals and guides in his spare weekends, youth basketball, including his own sons.

As a former military officer and leader in the business world, his appointment in the petroleum industry in the mid seventies, coupled with training in geology. Tyb has over 23 years working abroad in various positions, he was appointed as a field geologist and as a technical engineer. In 1977 he gave up his U.S. nationality.

He describes himself as a "world citizen whose nationality is goodwill. He is a conservationist, a member of the Sierra Club and supporter of Green Peace. Jim has been devoted to the change from within the energy industry and was involved in all aspects of environmental protection, waste reduction and supports the creation of solar energy and recyclable energies.

He lived everywhere on Earth, Canada, Brazil, Gabon, West Africa, Congo, Venezuela, France, Scotland, England, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman and India and speaks four languages fluently.

Tyberonn is an enthusiastic "stone collector" and his house is full of beautiful and impressive mineral pieces he has collected in the different landscapes of the many, many countries he has visited. His collection expanded with stones when he lived in Brazil where he studied gemology. Soon after he studied the metaphysical properties of rocks and minerals and science continued to evolve into a level of spiritual communication with the geology of the landscape and an intuitive understanding of geophysical energies.

His awareness of earth energies began at an early age, in the crystal fields, mountains and lakes of his native Arkansas and this has always been his passion. The last years studied earth energies through the culture and knowledge of indigenous people and adopted May 3-day visionary quests made in the Lakota tradition in the mountains of Arizona and Mexico. He has two decades students have been living in the energies of the Earth and all its telluric sacred sites. Jim has a deep spirituality and a commitment to his Christian upbringing, which just expanded with his understanding of the deeper nature of God, reincarnation cycles, and the unity of all beings, all nations and all religions.

James Tyberonn
Tyberonn describes his intention in his Hotspots' tab on its webside as follows:
"I have a great love and affinity for all natural expressions of the living Mother Earth . I'm especially fascinated by the strong spiritual energies found in the vortexes, networks, and leilijnen portals of the holy places. These energies are expressions not only of nature but also of the Divine.

I approach them with great reverence and awe. They are our teachers.

They can not only increase our comprehension but also tools for ascension. Some years ago I observed that the intense energies are changing, they are intense to accelerate. It is my hope that these insights and understanding to share with readers in the sincere desire that they develop a greater awareness and love to cherish our beautiful planet while we ascend to the next level. "

Ronna Herman, the woman as "matriarch" of the New Age movement in the U.S. for years the poignant messages of Archangel Michael passes, writes about Tyberonn the next, as preface to his new book "Metatron Speaks":

"James is Tyberonn one of the most productive channels since the messages of Kryon (HERE). His messages from the Archangel Metatron are leaders and include stunning new material which is vital for our ascension. The profound and fundamental information Tyeronn channelt goes hand in hand with loving and nurturing messages, which are essential for every soul here on Earth that searches lighting and comfort in his or her path. I recommend this book to you wholeheartedly, it's a must-read. "

Ronna Herman, Author, Channel

* * * * * * *

The Meta Tronic Keys
A "light training" on the Internet ..

Since a few years channelt Tyberonn too deep information from Archangel Metatron. (For more information about Metatron on this wonderful site HERE )

The messages are transmitted by Tyberonn, are characterized by a highly terrestrial nature and the loving approach of man. Our planet is a living library that can be read and messages of messages from Metatron and the knowledge, information and insights. The tours, workshops and activations Tyberonn organizes, linked to that knowledge that Metatron bears.

Tyberonn start from February 20 as a course aimed at strengthening the human electromagnetic field. This online course will be given and this is the description I would like for your translation:

" The Meta Tronic Keys - Level 1, will be aanbgeboden in a Webinar format, complete with a full audio entertainment and instructional lectures with live PowerPoint presentations. Host this course is James Tyberonn (author and channel)

This "Meta Tronic Keys' consist of one course from three levels exist, each given in a deep layer of education on how the mechanics of our auras and that of the Earth and the required shift in the polarity of the Merkabah to the crystalline MerKiVa and MerKaNa.

The course must be completed in sequence, because it learned in an earlier course at the base of the next course, ie level 1 must be completed first, before level 2 can be followed and lived.

Metatron's Cube Magic

The human energetic body guarantees as energetic as a shield and interactive uitwisselstation for 'inside-outside ".
The "Webinar will consist of PowerPoint presentations and there will be many pictures are shown with live commentary from Tyberonn. Note: You do not have PowerPoint software to follow this presentation! With only the Adobe Flash Player, you can also follow the main body and everything else that the order to arrive at this "Webinar. At this point, all work on the course corridors of the Meta Keys Tronic and its planning (level 1 + 2). Level 3 will probably not be available until late 2010 or early 2011. "

What is the content of the course?

"This course offers you intrisiek the basics to understanding the functioning of our auras and maintenance. During the course explains the inductive and osmotic effects of the human electromagnetic field (EMF) with that of the living Earth, power points and sacred sites. But the reverse effect / relationship is discussed.

Many people go on the false premise that the human aura system exchanging energy and information with the environment, completely 'natural' and is also automatically maintained ..! This is a gross misconception and literal-is-essential that the human EMF understood. This energetic system is exposed to enormous possibilities of misfunctioneren, including disruption of the circuit fuse of the poles, the leakage of the aura (energy field of humans, animals and the Earth) an 'adhesion'. (Energetic drum which hangs in our aura!)

Actually, the dysfunction of our aura cause we are going to get physical and emotional symptoms such as restlessness, chronic fatigue, unbalanced ego, unfounded fears, and depression boosheid-/slachtoffer-syndromen.

In the first part of the course, which takes 5 hours, many issues will come by the knowledge of energy sites on the body (in relation to auras chakras) to feed. How can you maintain your aura, this intact? What circumstances lead to "bleeding" of the aura (energy loss)? What about the swan-adhesive-to-own idea and strange energies and thinking in your aura?

We will also explain how the energy of the Earth have stepped right now, and why it is necessary that every person is a new "light body" develops, the so-called crystalline (bright-light) 'MerKiVa', with its three layers and shifting geometric construction. All this to be able to increase the energetic fields, which emit higher trembling earth, hold as human beings.

We will go to different 'mechanisms' look behind the ascending (upper vibrating) Earth lie. These applications include solar winds, earthquakes and hurricanes and how these super-energetic effects on our planet increase. We look at the effects on the planets in our solar system, the power places on Earth, the vortex-portals that are found on Earth, we highlight their impact on the so-called 'dimensional expansion "and last but not least! - on the human electromagnetic field. (EMF)

We will include the geometry and rotational mechanics of the non-polar, sex-free crystalline MerKiVa highlight. We will also learn how pinpointing and a meditation process to a level of crystalline MerKiVa reach.

Will we teach rotational mechanics and the geometry of the non polarity, non gendered Crystalline MerKiVa. We Will Also a guide teaching and meditation Process Towards achieving Level One of the Crystalline MerKiVa. "
This computer step. Your Sixth Sense!
By Guido ⋅ January 18, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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The following video gives an incredible presentation Pranav Mistry. How does the computer back in reality, instead of the computer our increasingly digital, virtual world on her own, away from nature .. How can the computer we serve more practical? That is the question that preoccupied Pranav Mistry. He is now a scientific phenomenon, and this video takes you on a journey through his thoughts. But it is not in theory, it is very practical. A standing ovation is his part!

The great movies and pictures he shows, phenomenal. He is the inventor of the so-called Sixth Sense device, a portable systeempje that enables you to create new interaction with the world around you. Instead of taking place behind screens, so just take your computer with you, wherever you go and state.

The TED talks are becoming popular, the Dutch version was introduced last year, here we look at the TED talk from India. Pranav Mistry demonstrates in this presentation is his idea, which is now fully prepared to step in your digital world to go ..! It sounds so strange maybe to you but your hands and fingers are an extension of the computer that you wear. The computer is serving in his form and become an extension of your body.

You get a deep look in his Sixth Sense device and a whole new, paradigm-shifting paper "notebook." And this beautiful guy promises that he will give the software completely free! Not so Bill Gates, who sits on top of his patent to be billionaire ...
Nanoparticles damage DNA outside the cell!
By Guido ⋅ January 10, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Nano-technoligie is on the verge of massive break. We wrote here WantToKnow that before the development of this highly controversial technique. Here we talk about techniques on a scale that goes beyond our human imagination. These particles are only observed using powerful electron microscopes.

But precisely because of their small scale, combined with their artificial origin, the effects on household moluculaire in our body, to a large extent still completely unknown. There is also another in which substances have different properties, because they just at some incredible small scale in many products manufactured and should be stopped, such as deodorant, clothing, etc.

Nanoparticles on a scale with the human DNA
In the following article by Ir. Bakker Xenia that we can now establish that, at the very least, extreme caution should be exercised in the application of nanotechnology.

Xenia Bakker is an engineer with a broad interest. She is an artist and like pre-electric technology. She has a skin-on-frame kayak built in Norway, including the Inuit did, from wood, rope and canvas and into the sea op.Via this link you will find information about the invention of Xenia Bakker.

Currently she designs a modern spinning wheel itself. This article of her hand on the influence of nanoparticles on our DNA, not that these particles penetrate the cell, is an eye opener.

Nanoparticles damage DNA without touching it!
Ir. Xenia Bakker © 2010

The medical world makes increasing use of nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery to the body. Nanoparticles It should aim for transportation or protection, and they must ensure that all medicinal molecules in our bodies are degraded before they can do their work.

Both applications use the fact that nanoparticles penetrate tissue well.

But there is also concern about damage to the body that nanoparticles can cause, precisely because they can penetrate so deeply into tissue. A study from England has recently been shown that there is another way in which nanoparticles harm: they mutate DNA in a cell without passing through the cell wall itself.

N anodeeltjes even DNA damage while these skin cells were screened by a thick layer of other cells.

Cobalt-chromium nanoparticles averaging only 29.5 nanometers in diameter are capable of human skin cells from the inside to damage, without the cell to go. They can cause DNA damage while away from the skin cells. Indeed, nanoparticles could cause DNA damage while the skin cells protected by a thick layer of other cells.

The nanoparticles are using a previously unseen combination of the transfer method within a cell that also nucleotides as ATP and use of communication between cells themselves. (See illustration below)

DNA can certainly imagine.

The result of this side effect is DNA mutation. The movements do not lead directly to death of the cell. Mutations to DNA in cells are common, and there are several ways to limit the damage. But there comes a time when DNA contains many errors, mistakes or causing irreparable damage that a cell can no longer functional. Then the cell to one of these three possibilities:

the cell can no longer share;
the cell commits suicide;
the cell is going to unrestrained parts, which can lead to cancer in the form of a tumor.
What did this study is exactly?

The ways in which transport of substances between the nucleus and the surrounding area. Especially the ATP materials are capable of the gate wide open to set up.
In a test environment to nanoparticles and skin cells separated by a barrier of other cells. This consisted of three cell layers of "Pride" cells, a strain of human cancer cells which is commonly used in laboratory research.

Skin cells that were damaged were normal human cells as they appear in the skin and bindwefsel. Despite that by a triple layer were separated from the nanoparticles were skin cells damaged after only one day. The DNA in both the double helix into single strands and was damaged. Some cells had abnormal chromosome duplication.

The cell membrane of all cells in the investigation was still intact and there were no cobalt chromium particles on the wrong side of the barrier of "Pride" cells. The damage caused nanoparticles via this route is so different from any damages cells directly bombarded with nanoparticles. In that case, the cell wall possibly pierced.

What exactly happened?

The nanoparticles affected the first layer of the "Pride" barrier and disrupted in those cells the mitochondria ,of the components in a cell where energy is generated and stored. That meant that signaling molecules such as energietransportmolekuul ATP (adenosine Triphosphate) were released. That ensured that the cell is opened and the next cell went through the same. This went on until the skin cells. The DNA also got their damage. How that came about the researchers do not know. It is undisputed that the injury occurred through the signaling molecules that cells themselves use. In a follow-up study were added substances that block these signaling pathways, and this case were not damaged skin cells.

What do we know?

The trial use of nanoparticles, although not used in a medical application, but are not special. This phenomenon could therefore easily through many nanoparticles may be produced, the researchers believe. Loose or loose cobalt chromium ions in the same way caused damage to skin cells.

That the disturbed signal transmission between cells is not necessarily bound to nanoparticles alone showed a drop in research that showed that much larger particles of cobalt-chromium alloy had the same effect.

Discovered the principle raises the question whether small particles like viruses and prions (infectious and persistently misfolded protein fragments) may also use the same mechanism to cells outside their reach to influence and possibly damaging.

Further research should reveal whether other nanoparticles same effect. There will also be considered if there are chemicals that do the same. One positive point is that the discovery opportunities on the possibility of medication tional signals to convey through other physical barriers such as over the skin, placenta and blood brain barrier transport zonder therefor expensive drugs have designs.
Safe Flying is simply impossible.
By Guido ⋅ January 4, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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"Flying is not right, it is a privilege .." like this and that you can do with it. And you so glad that you privileged are you at all in the group, in an aircraft may be.
If you feel that I have what is a rave, then lost me with both feet on the ground put. This position is Mr. Neil Livingstone, a terrorism expert, that's fine us in the following TV interview (FOX) tells how it really works. You should be glad that you can use to fly, and why you should not complain when your body, your luggage, your personal information, etc. etc. are met by the scanner.

The idea is that there is that all airline passengers with an electronic bracelet around their wrist to get the check. This may be the passenger than to completely follow his trip. And lost luggage would belong to the past and there are still many advantages of such a glorified dog bond with electronic token. The tape said Mr. Livingstone (et taken away), has been successfully used for prisoners on leave and pedophiles who get too close to schools. Really, it maintains the good guy here hard. Airline passengers and pedophiles. What's the deal? It seems a damn joke.

The U.S. Department of the Interior, Internal Security Department is particularly interested in another option of this band. Ie the possibility of a relatively strong electric shock to have delivered to the wearer of the band .. In this way, easier to search suspects may be subject .. Vehement protests from many natural part in the U.S., but the word is out. The thought of the tape is inserted, the surge was only function as a lightning ..
Well, it's been really awful, such a simple band with a Chippie, unique to my person ..? There are also whole tribes with a band in full-service hotel on their vacation address. After all, how bad could it be ..?

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Where are the times that you're just a customer? That airlines were about to jump when you wanted to fly with them .. Conversely said: how far should it go before people open their mouth and pull it just does not pick up. Flying for having taken, since they are treated like animals. How is it possible that serious about at 100% of the apples to the light to keep the potentially a bad apple in the basket ontdekken.Onder the motto that you do not know who the rotten apple, everything goes through the mill . But apples are not so intelligent and people-to-the rumors are.

This morning I heard that Al Qaeda, according to CIA sources, simply holds all body scans. We still need to introduce, but they have been available. What are we doing?

Increasingly, I am reminded of the movie from Koot & Bie, which De Bie plays a cop who always holds in his car Van Kooten for preventive research. He always strips the car go from car to doormat, inside of the lid to the drawer cabinet. Everything under the motto that all these parts of the car and can be used for terrorist attack. At the last sitting Koot in his car, so freaky, because his car was totally stripped, and suddenly looks into the camera. . "And now is who are the main password!" he grins and turns the car on the road and drive back to full speed, the policeman in Bie ..

Are we together now literally and figuratively put the shirt?
Anyone who knows anything about martial arts, also knows that there are techniques where you control a relatively simple-movement, the opponent literally can kill. Is it intended that eventually all passengers no longer shackled by the onboard movie, but literally get handcuffed? For where hands can kill, is guarding these hands still an absolute necessity ..! Where is the end, so you wonder.

And besides martial arts, we have a course available to us as a whole airplane hijackers. Of live attendants, to passengers, stainless cutlery from the first class, we naturally choose the wonderful steak-knives, to wurgkoord that we made our shoelaces. Let them scan. Or is there something else going on, why there should be scanned? Is it the intention that fueled us even more anxiety? And elaborating them, is it intended to further our spiritual 'chains' ..?


But the end of the song is likely that all these considerations, of course, have long been made by experts, authorities, etc. The tapes are there WAS. do come, if only to get a grip on .. To say everything that moves. But where have you as a customer of an airline? What is it?

An airplane is not secure, it is TRUST. It's like doing business. You can trace each other as long as you want, eventually you must surrender. Just as you surrender to the company Unilever, which perhaps 40% of your food produces, just as you surrender to the baker and he trusts that he has baked bread, your integrity. And indeed:

Just as passengers rely on a pilot they have never seen in their lives, and which they just can not wait to vote for what that man or woman, and whether those are alive and well at the helm of the aircraft is so , airlines and authorities rely on passengers.

And then you can display literally put in your shirt, for example those idiotic scans, but it's not about what's on the outside. These are the thoughts and plans behind those shirts ..

And of course I call, you do not need to check, but do it with the group you most likely have, that there may be bad apples in the basket to sit. Because of the large gecheck, we see the trees for the woods anymore. And when we hear that the Kenyan man was on the list of suspects, then surely that is the negligence of the authorities themselves ..?! Why do we hear nothing about?
A house of study for a new paradigm.
By Guido ⋅ December 1929, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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It is the ease with which Herbert van Erkelens appointed cases, which for many is not mundane that I so admire him. While for others could turn everyday subjects, but are they less likely to be put into words .. The connection between these worlds is that I recognize in Herbert.

In his newsletter of December late Herbert looks back at the past year in 2009. In non-surprise, he sees everyday life that actually 'Life' turns out to be. That is the conclusion that I have observations left. They also resonate with me at a deep level, almost untouchable, Being respectful of their value.

Herbert is a house of study in the new year starting, it is worthwhile to follow his vision in this regard. Perhaps you are interested reflections to follow and identify yourself?

Dr. Herbert van Erkelens
These texts can not be so quick to grasp the cognitive side of your brains, that's right, because Herbert is a scientist who is particularly concerned about the bridge over stabbing ..
We talk about the bridge that lies between our brain and our thinking connects with our feeling. Left and right. And how does this symbolic bridge in the coming years to manifest throughout Earth's sentence. When we look around us we see the failure of the left hemisphere. Is this the home of our Ego? What time and again with a capital letter will manifest ..

Regular emerging cynical tone of Herbert's writings, always makes me smile, a kind of perspective I do not see often, it does me good. The wonderful world of his testimony mi.

Do you know how many scientists who dare to hit the bridge and, while talking about their visions and readings, which are among the more daring expressed with admirable vulnerability ..?

Anyway, the reflections of Herbert are valuable enough to you to present them. Do not judge, but make room, I'd like to recommend .. Maybe you have so much space that replaces a house of study for a new paradigm. Have fun!


A house of study for a new paradigm

There are very big differences between the functions of our left and our right brain!
Now the year 2009 almost over, I do wonder about the new insights it has given me years. At the beginning of the year I was busy to investigate the mystery of autism, and I came rather late to discover the origin of the time in some cosmic Big Bang is located, but in our head, the left hemisphere.

There is also the origin of counting and tell and they asked Rice what the right brain does. It appears that our brains can adapt to the Source of Creation. It is also our creative brain.

In late January I go to teach in the Jungian Institute in Nijmegen. My assignment is to the correspondence between depth psychologist Carl Gustav Jung and Wolfgang Pauli to clarify theoretical physicist. I could already see such correspondence before it was published and the relationship between left and right plays an important role. Meanwhile, the original German version of the correspondence already sold out. Even before the academic world has understood what this correspondence is about, which is already removed from the agenda ...

That the world is animated, that science is not yet know, but let the unconscious do not be fooled. Sooner or later the legacy of Pauli and Jung again emerge, soon all at TU Delft on February 15 to I a Prinsenhof Studium Generale lecture go about synchronicity. Synchronicity is the principle of meaningful coincidence.

That the world is animated, that science is not yet know, but let the unconscious do not be fooled.

I'm going to explain that the way we deal with that principle of our religion and humanity depends. Many physicists do not believe in synchronicity because an abstract cosmic order to seek and few of the human psyche to know.

I myself have long been the idol of Jung followed. This is in Response to Job believes that God is less self-consciousness than humans. Jung based on the behavior of certain Old Testament books such as God in the Book of Job exhibited. Because the depth psychologist also assumed that Jesus fickle and unreliable deity regarded as his heavenly Father, he came to the conclusion that Jesus himself did not know what he did. Only hanging from the cross he would have realized what a father he had to do.

Carl Gustav Jung is one of the few scientists who drew up the bridge between knowing and feeling. And right there in the middle, came to the conclusion that they are connected Unit.
That vision of Jung, I started to doubt, because I could not imagine that Jesus really had such a huge blind spot. Thanks to the work of the theologian Joanne Klink, I learned that Jesus not only rooted in the Jewish tradition. He was raised by the Essenes.
By me into the world of the Essenes deepen I got a bed in my religious life. I found that initially a conflict between paganism and Christianity existed and that the way of Christ was universal and not tied to one or another religion. The Essenes lived in the vision that God which the Old Testament does not refer to the supreme deity and some dark alien energies exert a disruptive force on earth.

We would like to believe in myths because they give us a sense of security. after the break with Jung, Freud went looking for his own myth, which he found too.

In that myth was no place for extraterrestrial intervention, so it was old age Jung believes that UFOs are a projection of the Self, the image of God in our part.

Only after that he had published, he dreamed that he was a projection of a UFO. Apparently we are intimate with the stars around us connected our religious and scientific knowledge would allow.

There are not only dark extraterrestrial forces, but also shining stars people who help us on our way to a world of fear into a world of love.
Personally I connect with that star group the Pleiades, because I never from that star cluster to earth am come to see the jump from third to the fifth dimension with it. That plan was initially due to the destruction of Atlantis on a disappointment, but now we have almost reached by December 2012 this time, I think, succeed.

Through the Pleiades Soul Leviahnarah I learned that man ever had a higher consciousness and has twelve active strands of DNA available. Partly through the agency of the dark alien energies after the fall of Atlantis, but two strands of DNA has remained active layers. At different life in ancient Egypt, I have unsuccessfully tried to light that people were denied to them back. In this life, the angel Kryon through Lee Carroll taught me that the time has finally come for activation of dormant DNA layers.

A house of study where the route from duality to unity is central.

Recently I decided to start a house of study where the route from duality to unity is central. This road is in the Torah by the exodus from Egypt and the arrival in the promised land depicted. The promised land, you can also call the New Jerusalem or the New Eden.
In the work of Judith Moore about crop circles is Heaven on Earth and the appearance of Eden on Earth Mother speaking. Judith recently received a message from the Alpha and Omega which states:

"Seeds of Creation by my loving hands around the Earth. These seeds lie deep in the fertile soil of your soul. These seeds lie in the waters of your blue-green planet, and they are the seeds of which you spoke to my son and they will burst and the Earth will once again be known as a garden. (...) That what in past centuries as hopelessly impure and purified IS known.
The power of love - grace is given and received, manifest as the fertile soil of the garden of peace that you get care. And you are worthy gardeners of this new Eden. "

In the eyes of the Almighty, we are all worthy gardeners. But to the Light of Creation to anchor on earth am I in this house of study of the making preparations, which allow us plenty of new spirituality and new science to practice. These ten themes which together form a bridge to the fifth dimension:

1. The myth of alchemy (Jung, Von Franz)

2. Quantum physics, depth psychology and synchronicity

3. Facets of a new God-image (Birkhäuser)

4. Our origin of the cosmos

5. The twelve names of God our DNA (Kryon)

6. The resurrection of the Maya

7. Crop circles and the Eden Project

8. Linear time and quantum consciousness

9. The ninth Creation

10. The Rainbow Bridge to the fifth dimension

Further information is available at my website: house of study 'The Light of Creation. "

Depending on the interest I would start with a Monday evening and Saturday afternoon or a group in or near Haarlem. In the data I want to take into account school holidays, but I want to do for the summer program have been completed.
I'm at a price of € 10, - per meeting with a small contribution for refreshments. I myself am not a boulder in organizing, so if one of you somewhere a group of at least ten people together to know that drumming is also a good opportunity to discuss with me. Obviously there is an additional contribution necessary travel expenses. WantToKnow will in any case, this house of study support in word and deed.

The climate crisis is no crisis.

On my website you can also see that it is not such a disaster is that the climate summit in Copenhagen failed: Climate Crisis as a parlor game. The average temperature on earth has been constant since the peak year 1998 despite the increase in CO 2 in the atmosphere. We'll have to find ways to clean up the atmosphere, reducing, but we can hopefully bring in more comfortable temperatures than by the IPPC, the climate panel of the UN, is provided.
Toxic substances in our everyday products, but what do we do?
By Guido ⋅ December 23, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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With the new year ahead, the article below is a valuable addition to our good intentions in 2010. Production of everyday consumer goods is still associated with the use of many chemicals. Substances whose scope to our health often do not consider the very simple reason that these substances are often considered not to penetrate the body and therefore much less stringent should be controlled to their harmfulness.

The European Union has, fortunately for the Dutch still-somewhat stricter rules than those applied in the U.S., but still we are daily exposed far too many chemicals. Substances we ingest so indeed, through the use on the skin (cosmetics and perfumes, for example) but also through the consumption of food where chemicals are present.

This article gives you an insight into the great cover up the use of these chemicals is still .. You wonder how it is possible that chemical producers also further solidify simply to continue producing and selling this garbage.
One more reason, next year more critical of what we have on our skin or rub our bread ..! Our strength back into their own hands will also translate into extra vigilance in these matters.


Our everyday products are full of toxins - and what do we do it?
By Amy Goodman, Truthdig / February 25, 2009

© Ellen translation du Burck / / .be 2009


Is your lipstick full of lead? A baby bottle toxic? The American Chemical Council assures us that 'those products create secure and helping us to stay healthy. " But consumers are actually exposed to a range of harmful chemicals and additives in toys, cosmetics, platic water bottles and many other processed products; .

Chemical and manufacturing industries in the U.S. have challenged the legislation, while Europe continues with strict prohibitions on harmful toxins. The European Union says that regulation is good for business, consumer confidence and cost savings in the long term.

The cover of the sensational book by Mark Schapiro.
Most people would be surprised if they knew that the cosmetic industry in the U.S. is largely unregulated. Investigative journalist Mark Schapiro is the author of "Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power "(Exposed: the toxic chemistry of everyday products and the significance for American power). Due to lack of oversight, steps now many researchers and journalists as Schapiro and grass root organizations in the undeveloped area.

Schapiro told me: "Whether it's nail polish, eye shadow or shampoo goes, essential personal care products are not regulated by the Food and Drugstore Administration. Many times the last 50 years in the Senate tried to bring the Law of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to extend, but it was constantly rebuked by the cosmetics industry. "

It is difficult for data on toxic substances. Schapiro continued, "The reason I know what kind of material in cosmetics is, I have not the FDA, my information I have from the European Union have taken action at all this rubbish removal and they have a list drawn from.

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics lists numerous toxins that are listed regularly in cometica personal care and prevention, including lead and phthalates. Phthalates have been linked to birth defects, including disruption of the genital organs in boys, decreased sperm production and infertility. Lead occurs in lippenstif and hundreds of other products. The CSC reports that "lead a proven neurotoxic substance - and is associated with learning, language and behavioral problems, miscarriages, infertility in both men and women, hormonal changes, menstrual irregularities and delay in puberty in girls. This is the stuff that women and girls all day on their lips done, and repeated again and licking experience.

The European Union, with 27 members who together represent half billion people, have increasingly applied in the field of toxic substances, while using their economic muscle. Stavros Dimas, Commissioner of the milieu of the EU, explains the benefits of regulation in the long term: " The medical expenses for chemical-related diseases will fall. Medications are no longer needed. We will not lose work hours and productivity is higher. So the overall benefits will exceed costs of the industry ".

Interestingly, because European countries are much greater contributions to health care than the U.S., they want the costs low and we expect around € 50 billion to besparren the next deccenia says Schapiro, as a result of the improved condition of health and the environment through strict policy concerning chemicals.

In 2007, a major recall (recall) of Mattel toys from China (because lead was found in the toy). This was the reason for a bill that went through Congress and President George W. Bush then signed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement- convention. An important provision, the obligation to lead and phthalates products which are processed to eliminate for children 12 years and younger, was introduced in February. If you for that time plastic toys bought in the U.S. and from there I got, then watch out: Once this law last summer was introduced, some of the shops to their boards volgezet with dirty toys and sold for extremely low prices for their stock to dump.

Many daily used household products, are based on chemical compounds
Safe alternatives to toys, cosmetics, shampoo and other products are becoming easier to obtain because the demand for organic products grows. The difference between the market to enforce that poisons are kept out or that a law is enforced, is immense; Schapiro, " when you have a law you, is often much more equitable, since everyone has the same protection given, even if you sources, or know of alternatives. " (in the U.S. would be to share the responsibility for crossing safety norms! trans.)

This will particularly be operated put, when the EU joins in, with its expansive and world-leading regulatory system called REACH, for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances.
Schapiro notes, " The Europe-led revolution in Chemical legislative requirement to download thousands of chemicals that ultimately are judged on their potential toxic effects on people and marks the end of the ability of American industry to withhold critical information for the public ".

Regulation of toxic substances is not only important for saving lives, it is also good for business acumen. The U.S. has a chance to get to their European partners and to implement changes that go beyond cosmetics.

Amy Goodman is host of the Nationally syndicated radio news program, Democracy Now!
Greed versus health ..!
By Guido ⋅ December 1921, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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That the U.S. from the inside to be plundered, every intelligent person will become clear. Just the cost of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will soon reach the limit of insane U.S. $ 1 trillion U.S. dollars ..! How is it possible for a nearly bankrupt country is going so late? Both Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, as have the late 1950's and early 1960 warned: the millitair industrial complex came up on more power in Washington to sit.

Meanwhile, these warnings are no longer required .. The millitair industrial complex is firmly in the hands of the U.S. regarding public expenditure on defense, but also on the political development of this country in those wars, presidential Obama allowed himself to advise on these wars by the high generals . Ever seen or heard a General, who talked about pulling back ..?!

But a new tax revenue-slurping drain is in the making. The health plan that the president wants to push through with all the force, has now become the subject of large-scale industrial influence. "If you can not beat them, join them!" Seems the motto of these large conglomerates are. Together with the president and his government a new health system together. Minimizing abandonment of old achievements, and try to catch new. Greed versus health? That is exactly the title of this article.

Hopefully, these developments not an example of the private health care and health insurance, as it develops with us ... .. brrrrr


Greed vs. Health
By Cesar Chelala
© 2009 Dutch translation Smith January / / .be

While the discussion about healthcare in the U.S. a bit collapses, stacking the evidence is increasingly focusing on the role that businesses and politicians play in hindering the access of the majority of Americans adequate health care. The result is that the United states one of the worst health systems know all industrialized countries.

According to the results of studies by WHO and the Commonwealth Fund 1in New York are executed, rather than America in all 37 countries that were included in the analysis.

Large industrial companies in the U.S. see the new plans to reform health care in the U.S. as a great new opportunity for even greater gains magic and more influence
The study by the Commonwealth Fund was published in 2007 under the telling title: "Mirror, mirror on the wall: an international review of comparable performance of the U.S. health care ' . One of the outcomes was that the system of healthcare in the U.S. is undeniably the most valuable, but in competitions also as the last bus.

The Commonwealth study compared the U.S. system with those of Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and Britain. Although the U.S. clearly different from other countries by the absence of complete national coverage, they are also at least in terms of accessibility, patient safety, efficiency and equity.

Compared to other countries surveyed, walking behind the U.S. applying information technology and other national policies aimed at promoting the quality of the system. In countries like New Zealand, Germany and Britain provide information for the provision of medical knowledge relating to chronic conditions and the use of medication. Simultaneously, the U.S. spent more money on bureaucracy than any other country.

The U.S. are behind all industrialized countries in terms of coverage of health care.

Nearly 47 million Americans of all is no way of health insurance, more than the entire Canadian population together ...!

The U.S. are behind all industrialized countries in terms of coverage of health care. Nearly 47 million Americans are without health insurance, which is more than the entire Canadian population together.

Wendell Potter, a former director of an insurance company, explains that when this figure is reproduced with people who are underinsured, the number is greater than the entire British population. According to the Children's Health Fund 2, are 9 million uninsured children in the U.S., while another 23,700,000-nearly 30 percent of all American children - do not have access to health care.

The influence of large corporations.

There are several ways in which companies put pressure on politicians not to support health plans that benefit the majority of the population. In an interview with Bill Moyers Wendell Potter said: 'By the use of biased advertising in the local re-election period by no more money to deposit in your election fund or supporting your competitors ... "

Potter added there is still a far way Republican policy maker suggested phrases to use as a "takeover by the government," "late care, care has been denied" , 'the consequences of rationing' , 'bureaucrats prescribe medications rather than doctors' . All these statements by politicians that were against good health unit for all and was loyal nagebekt, although demonstrably incorrect statements based!

By applying all kinds of arrangement full coverage insurance to many people to focus their profits to fill. Potter explained that in June in a testimony before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation by claiming that some of these structures also tantamount to refuse and dumping customers. When a patient insured have forgotten is a small and rather increased disease reporting with his application, insurers use this as an argument for the fees to refuse or cancel policies.

It is also another that exclude insurance companies whose claims by their employees exceed analysts estimates by insurance. Something that makes the situation even worse is that that company no other option to have insurance because the insurance world closes ranks; a form of mutual arrangements to course.

Lack of coverage of serious impact on the health of people uninsured because they receive less preventive care, their illnesses are often in a much later stage, be found, apparently received lower quality care and a greater risk of dying than insured patients.

62.1% of all bankruptcies in the U.S. (2007) had a medical reason!

Most people with a 'medical' debt, homeowners are well trained to show a well-paid job.

Yet in 92% of all cases, the huge medical bills cause for their bankruptcy ..!

Meanwhile, in an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) " was published revealed that even under the most conservative definitions, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in the U.S. in 2007, a medical cause was. Most people who a 'medical' guilt had been educated homeowners with a well-paid job. Three quarters of those had health insurance. Notwithstanding were 92% of all cases, the huge medical bills cause of their bankruptcy.

The JAMA study estimates that since 2001 the extent of any failures that may be attributed to medical problems, 50% increase. Furthermore, losses, according to a survey from 2008, another 1.5 million annual American families their homes by execution sale following priceless medical expenses.

The U.S. is at a crucial time and landed at one end to the brutal injustices that conspire against the people's health and welfare in the U.S.. Individuals and businesses, especially smaller companies are at the mercy of powerful business interests. Unless these interests are geperkt, the health of people affected by the voracious tactics of these powerful companies.
Do you know this special feature of onions?
By Guido ⋅ December 1920, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Since time immemorial, the garlic plant is highly valued for their medicinal properties. The onion as medicine and as a prophylactic against many diseases and ailments treated, both in Asia and Europe. The medicinal properties of onions in the twentieth century from various disciplines studied. It was already familiar with their antibacterial activity (Pasteur, 1858) and their effects against certain fungi.

There also seems to exist a preventive effect against viral infections like colds and flu, but it is difficult to demonstrate irrefutably. In recent years, in particular the effects of onion and garlic on cardiovascular disease topic of study. These conditions play clotting processes, and the cholesterol content of fat and fatty substances, blood pressure and blood sugar a major role.
The investigation into the effect of onion on cardiovascular disease is complicated by several factors. Scepticism is, as expected, particularly from the pharmaceutical area. Why the same type of investigation led to different conclusions is slowly revealed.

H t is difficult for example large groups of people to follow the same diet and this monitor. Also, the consumption of onions, of course, quickly reached the limit.
It is the age of the persons also determine: the effects in older people are far greater than in younger. Further, the divergent types of onions also lead to different outcomes.

Despite the limitations, there are strong indications that onions have a beneficial effect on the extent of atherosclerosis occurs.
Besides the favorable effects on cardiovascular diseases, are also cancer positive influence of garlic crops reported. In animal studies at least showed the development of certain tumors by injections of substances in the onion to be avoided. The activity against bacteria, microbes and certain fungi has been extensively investigated. Some onions are also substances that ward off insects, but there are more that just get rid of the onion.
There is evidence that the chemical quercetin, may help to protect you against hay fever. This material is in high concentrations in onions available. There are no known disadvantages of eating lots of onions, so this waist is definitely worth trying.

The following story, that this whole article confirmed, comes from an American site where the writer of the article remains unknown. However, it does blend well with the above described properties of garlic and onion crops in general, in particular! Evidence talked about ..!

It is 1919, the time that the flu killed more than 40 million people. There was a doctor who visited many farmers to see if he could help them to fight the flu, because many of the peasant families had the flu, and to many others also died.

During one of these doctor's visits to a family, he discovered that everyone is extremely healthy and had no flu prevailed.

When the doctor asked the farmer what was different here, "replied the lady of the house that are a peeled onion in a dish had put in all rooms of the house. (Probably there were only 2 at the time) The doctor was a bit strange to look at, that something as simple the cause of their prime condition, and he asked if he could examine one of the onions. The doctor took his microscope out and put a piece of onion underneath. The doctor could not believe his eyes, from was full of flu viruses! apparently absorbed the onion flu pathogens and it was really this simple folk wisdom that family health was .. !

This story was told by a friend from Arizona. She also said that in a few years ago, many of her employees were sick from the flu, and quite a few of its customers.

She decided the next year the story of the peasant family to apply and put some bowls of peeled onions go through her shop. To her very great surprise, none of its employees that year sick!

The story she had heard of the peasant families had to be based on truth. It worked .. (And no, she's not in the onion business!)

The moral of the story is clear: peel a few onions and place in bowls through your house! Do you work in an office, then place a few under your desk or even on top of a cupboard. Try it and See what happens!

I did it last year and none of us has got the flu. If it helps prevent you and your family sick, the better, right? And if you accidentally have the flu should get is a mild form. And what I simply can lose? A few onions? If that's all!

We underestimate the significance of the onion?
But the story is not over. Because I had this story sent to a friend in Oregon, he regularly sends me material for articles on health topics. From her I got a very interesting comment about onions:

"I knew the story of the peasant family yet, but I had at one point a severe pneumonia address. Needless to say, I was so very sick!

I then got a story to face, which was recommended by both sides of an onion to cut the onion and then to one side on a fork stabbing. Then, the fork with onion in a pot to put this pot and then put next to the sick patient, when lying in bed. The onion is in the same manner as working on the farm family as it shows that onion Black sees the next morning the bacteria .. "
Health care: when the Health grabs every now ..?!
By Guido ⋅ December 16, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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The following article was submitted by Henk Mutsaers of Gezondheisradio, and deals with the unspoken aspects of our current health care. Because the crusade that many mainstream medical-action against what is called the alternative-health is in sharp contrast to the 'harvest' of injury to the regular, established medical medicine poses. Is this a typical case of "the pot calling the kettle black that he sees" ...?

If you read the article below, the term 'alternative' in 'alternative medicine' undoubtedly have a deeper meaning for you.

If you know the facts, would you still have the courage to treat yourself to an illness in a hospital? Even an innocent surgery can be fatal, the figures and the risks are much greater than most people can even imagine.

Official Report USA: The landmark study Starfield, "Is the U.S. Health Really best in the world?", Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2000.

The official figures from America show that every year:

approximately 2,000 deaths from unnecessary surgery,

about 7,000 deaths from medication administration errors in hospitals,

c. 20. 000 deaths due to common errors in hospitals,

80,000 deaths due to infections occurred in hospitals and

106.000 deaths by FDA approved and properly prescribed medications.

This brings the number of medical deaths in America each year some 225,000 ..! Nearly one quarter million people who die are often completely unnecessary. The figures of magazine reach an incredible number of 783,936 deaths in 2001 ..! find the pdf HERE.

The magazine for the medical community in the U.S..
This shocking report read that drug manufacturers, according ABC News spend 2 billion a year in meetings of doctors. Money to buy their loyalty!

You are brainwashed what the pharmaceutical industry has to offer is best for you to protect against diseases that nature in the first place much better protection. This tactic also works extremely well because, given the incredible numbers of people just keep going to the doctor!

In 1995, JAMA has reported that each year more than one million people with medical damaged 280,000 people killed. And we seem perfectly normal for there to be tons of money spent on care and less confrontational questions by patients, public and journalists. Given the large amount of incredible actors, what do those few lawsuits against the system to be fed?

Medical errors are rarely visible and adverse drug reactions are usually not reported to the FDA by doctors.

In America, Big Pharma focuses not only on doctors but also fire their arrows directly marketing to the unsuspecting consumer TV advertising. Between 1996 and 2000 increased the advertising budget is from 791 to 2500 million. And this is only 15 percent of the money Big Pharma ads per year to spend.

How do we know that drugs are safe?

Drugs are usually tested on healthy people, according to the money received and no other medication. Interaction or possible underlying health problems will not come to light. The best way to know whether a drug is safe and the benefits the drug is only used when it has long been easily applied in a test group and then by millions of people praised the results.

But do you know about medicine, have you ever been there ever heard of?

Our body is from a differentiated cell with no outside help to become the immensely complicated system in which we operate. How is it that we think by definition toxic drugs need to have as natural food also can bring?

Advanced Epithelial Cancer

Published in 1989, Ulrich Abel, PhD, a research, "Chemotherapy of Advanced Epithelial Cancer.". Here were the results of 3,000 articles and studies browsed and no scientific evidence that chemotherapy prolong life in the most common forms of cancer! Despite these findings, since no reduction in the use of chemotherapy. Worse yet, the investigation showed that chemotherapy caused an increase in the development of new tumors.

Despite the findings that chemotherapy was not effective, since there is no reduction in the use of chemotherapy.

Worse still, the investigation showed that chemotherapy led to an increase in the development of new tumors ..!

An honest look at the "health care".

Reported in 1978 the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment (OTA): Only 10 to 20% of all procedures currently used in medical practice showed clear effects in controlled trials.


At the beginning of this promising research techniques were X-rays to time, whether used in hospitals. A study of 700,000 children born between 1947 and 1964 were examined whether or not to use X-rays in the mothers, while it showed a 40% increased risk of cancer to provide for these children.

These are just a few findings that can record from the physical report.

The objectives of Big Pharma to gain power and a lot of money, are at odds with your goal for low cost or even "free" to stay healthy, preferably without medications ..
Despite the publication of two reports in the media we hear relatively little about. In the Netherlands, 30,000 medical victims whose 1700 annual deaths reported. Given the differences in reporting U.S. would sometimes 90,000 medical errors each year and 5100 deaths can be. (?) Are we, however, the lower figures than this seems not to an alarming degree that people turn up massively proven safer and effective natural treatment methods. The fact is that much more than regular care costs of alternative care on behalf of the patient.

How many people were really aware of the risks they run when they visit the pharmacy, doctor or hospital does? Or just an 'innocent' over the counter painkiller or buy petrol? After all, how is it possible that the drug authorities as safe for consumption and adopt so many people affected by deadly "side effects"?

What occupational health service in any other industry would accept these figures without take action?

The 'system' is now neatly counterbalanced. The government determined that the rising costs of poorly performing "healthcare" just approved. No questions or inquiries. How does this loyalty created because no single party, the opposition against this aggregate?

It's easy for people like the system to collapse. If everyone refuses mandatory zorgpolis it is totally done with our disease care. But if you think enough people are found who have the courage to do this?

The problem lies not only with the doctor, hospital, no one part of the problem also lies with the user, the patient. Are they not the drugs ask the doctor to just do nothing to change their lifestyle, their habits?

Nobody seems to be held responsible for the annual kill, nobody at the end of each accounting year to be accountable. His 1700 deaths per year in the Netherlands no crime?
Meanwhile, new doctors are still trained to learn to use poisons in war and believe wholeheartedly that one can fight diseases with poison. Right, war instead of cooperating with nature. The history books have long learned that wars will lead to nothing, in no area!

And when we have dozens or more years to conclude that drugs were just as bad for health as cigarette. We go to the Big Pharma companies to prosecute crimes against humanity and they look back with horror what it must have been in such times to have to live?
Tamiflu: The reaction of pharmacist Fernand Haesbrouck!
By Guido ⋅ December 16, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Our article on Tamiflu, the hoax, the Belgian chemist Fernand Haesbrouck encouraged to write the following response. The work of Haesbrouck deserves more attention in the Netherlands. A specialist who has severe reservations against the most accepted medication ..?! Is why it is important not everything at face value to take, certainly not drugs, it appears again and again.

Fernand was also one of the first to the drug Ritalin, a drug for ADHD despised and severely warned, rightly it turns more and more. Tamiflu is on his next, often cynical response recorded:


Oh ... ... Tamiflu

The Belgian Fernand Haesbrouck pharmacist has long been engaged in an offensive against Big Pharma, and before his fellow men!
In early 2005 the publisher of course! ", William J. Duck Aerts me to try to find out what really is a matter of Tamiflu. I remember I was stunned to have watched the molecule and then I thought ... I am apparently not very much.

For when all ruled my thesis about the patterns with which molecules can destroy neurons and thereby obtain an effect that is very sought after by society seems to be the known doping.

The nervous system reacts violently since all functions on alert level to place when being attacked. And that has its advantages ...

Better performance, better focus, compulsive focus on a target, decreased appetite, loss of inhibitions and the most complete euphoria.

In the molecule of Tamiflu, I recognized immediately that pattern. The pattern that the receptors on nerve endings also recognize, as a possible neurotransmitter.

But once penetrated into the osmotic fluid of the physiological technology through a system of electrical stimulation controls our behavior, they are not only completely useless in this stimulus transfer their energetic chemical component ensures that the technology is to kill.

Hence also like Tamiflu Amphetamine, like cocaine, LSD, like, like cannabis or all of its derivatives, as well the nervous system can deliver a kick, which the body reacts against the 'danger'.

In this case here: the stand against a possible attack of the flu virus. antiviral agent Tamiflu is not, Tamiflu is doping, which gives a temporary increase of resistance against "foreign invaders".

One of the milestones in medical publications Haesbrouck.
(Hence the healing effect: without Tamiflu, the virus is inhibited in 7 days, with Tamiflu happens in one week ...). In 2005, I suspected this only with the realization that I would love to be explained by this assumption.

But if the Mexican swine influenza pandemic will have learned something, then it is clear that one effect of a mass Tamiflu users able to test and register.

The doubts of me in 2005, quickly changed for the confirmation, when I read that users had hallucinations, delusions and psychotic behavior. All symptoms of psychotics now being used for mind control.
By now faced with the off-label use of seemingly 'innocent' nerve preparations, this also into the mind control is any uncertainty disappeared.

I read that Tamiflu is an essential enzyme in the membrane of the influenza virus could slow.

But does anyone want me now to come and explain why the recent pandemic vaccine genanoniseerde particles had to use, to which the membranes of viruses as small to harass, where the standard drugs (including Tamiflu) in their classic format is not succeed in doing this?

Enzyme and that the influenza membrane yet so desperately needs ... that is an enzyme that by his (mega) format will be able to by that very tiny membranes still be used?

I made all serotonin myths along, dopamine myths, protein paste with Alzheimers, undetectable chemical imbalances stoffetjes for everyone, even unknown and therefore a neurological disorder would cause the simultaneous treatment of epilepsy and uitlokkken it by psychotics, the induction of congenital heart disease and chemical balance to make bipolar psychotics and antipsychotics because they can treat patients with a disease that never existed.

This fable of a giant-enzyme membrane for tiny little there is now added.

Are flu viruses now so aggressively because they are frustrated that their membrane caps never the size will grow as the bloated enzymes that they desperately need for themselves ever so small to stay? fact may point not to laugh, because this is medical science. A science that everyone looks up to, then in evidence, because knowledge does no longer.
Obama's Secret: extra 30,000 troops and only 100 Al Qaeda fighters ..!
By Guido ⋅ December 9, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Two days ago the news came out that the U.S. again with a vengeance and is actively hunting for Osama bin Laden .. How is it possible, right? "Had they stopped it then?" Is of course the first question you have to mind. And talked about shooting: since when is this hazy figure, members of the Bin Laden family, one the greatest friend of the Bush clan, then search ..? Read HERE our earlier article on bin Laden, which just shows that he is not being sought .. How can they then go chase him ..?

He remains a very bizarre story, that American war in the Middle East. We are in full force to discuss our extension, yes or no, in Afghanistan's Helmand, but many just seem to have forgotten that the wars in simple Dutch words, just 'dirty wars' are.

Then again the message that Obama apparently sewn by his generals, in its wisdom decided EXTRA 30,000 troops to Afghanistan to send. And then very quickly go back .. I do not know how you feel in this post, but we believe it is the biggest nonsense that you can imagine. Are they at all are planning to withdraw from Afghanistan? Is an expenditure of U.S. $ 60 billion extra, but possible for a bankrupt country ..?

Apparently Obama will get away again. But what must be fought against if necessary .. More of these primitive people, who move on scooters and in small groups to operate ..? Should the mightiest army in the world will spend U.S. $ 60 billion for the deployment of 30,000 additional troops? For what then ..? The answer will surprise you .. It is one of some 100 surviving fighters Qaiada Al .. You read it right .. Learn more:


The Secret of President Obama:
Another 100 Al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan
New Policy: One thousand U.S. soldiers and $ 300 Million for each Al Qaeda Warrior

By Richard Esposito, Matthew Cole and Brian Ross / ABC press
© Dutch translation Jan Smith / / .be December 2 2009

In his speech last Tuesday in which he broadcast of 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan justified - that an annual fee of $ 30 billion stake -, left President Barack Obama in his description of the Al Qaeda "cancer" in that country an important omission :
U.S. security authorities have determined that there are only 100 Al Qaeda fighters across the country remain.

A senior security officer told that the estimate of 100 Al Qaeda members in Afghanistan corresponds to the findings of U.S. intelligence and the Ministry of Defence.
The relatively low number was part of the information submitted to the White House were handed over while President Obama was engaged in deliberations on this issue.

But President Obama referred in his speech at West Point only in vague terms to the size of the Al Qaeda presence when he said: "Al Qaeda is in Afghanistan not grown to the same number as before 9 / 11, but remain in their places of refuge along the border. "

What distinguishes Obama is now President Bush Jr. actually? Troops there to retreat ..?
A spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House, Chris Hensman, said that he could not discuss classified information.

Obama National Security, General James Jones, said in an interview he gave to CNN in October that the number of "less than one hundred" was.

Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, explicitly ruled in October that figure during the deliberations of the Commission for External Relations of the Senate, when she remarked that "security forces say that about one hundred Al Qaeda members in Afghanistan are".

The president acknowledged that Al Qaeda is now operating from Pakistan, where U.S. forces have no permission to perform operations. He said: "We are in Afghanistan to prevent the cancer can grow there again."

Security officials estimate that several hundred al Qaeda fighters near the border with Pakistan down. An official of Obama said that additional troops were needed in Afghanistan Al Qaeda to be concluded between Pakistan and Afghanistan and thus prevent them from a new base in Afghanistan will settle.

"Pakistan has its efforts increased," said the official.
"The real question is whether Pakistan enough doing," said Richard Clarke in his capacity as a former staff member for terrorism against a journalist of ABS News.
"What if they do everything take money that we give them, but not really doing anything? What is the strategy then? "Said Clarke himself.

Hundred thousand troops in Afghanistan and an estimated additional annual expenditure, of U.S. $ 30 billion.

This means that the U.S. troops a year 1000 and $ 300 million spend on the control of any Al Qaeda member.

Hundred thousand troops in Afghanistan and an estimated annual expenditure of $ 30 billion, means that U.S. soldiers per year 1000 and $ 300 million spend on fighting each Al Qaeda member. Other analysts say the fight against terrorism that the actual number of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan is less important than their ability to others in the Taliban ranks to lead their ideological influence to exert.

"Hundreds of hard core al Qaeda fighters in a safe place of refuge much damage," said a former official of a security, which in the past considerable experience in the region has gained. At the hearing of the Senate put Bob Grenier, former head of the CIA office in Pakistan, a statement in which he said that Al Qaeda in Afghanistan had already set records.

'So in terms of' in Afghanistan, '"said Democratic Senator John Kerry from Massachusetts," they actually have beaten apart, dismantled and reports. They are no longer in Afghanistan, is that correct? "

"That's right," said Grenier.

Also security officers are all basically agree on the fact that President Obama wants 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan to send to taking on only 100 Al Qaeda fighters. Fighters in the country were left arguing that their influence on the Taliban more dangerous than their numbers would suggest.

The officials responded following a story on ABC News, which suggests that estimates by security on the number of Al Qaeda members in Afghanistan the "Secret of Obama" , that he would have deliberately omitted in his speech last Tuesday.

Democratic Senator from California, Barbara Boxer, said the number of 100 in response to Obama's speech on Tuesday about the strategy regarding Afghanistan.

"I support the proposal to send more troops not because there are already 200,000 American, NATO and Afghan troops fighting Taliban fighters and roughly 20,000 fewer than 100 Al Qaeda fighters," she said in a written statement.

Officials called but any suggestion that the new wave of soldiers is intended to fight only 100 terrorists, irresponsible. Although security forces have confirmed that there are only about 100 Al Qaeda members in Afghanistan have left and their "power center" in Pakistan is located, they say that "their leaders work closely with leaders of the Afghan Taliban.

Are these the "dreaded Al Qaeda fighters," where the mightiest army in the world with 200,000 men already so has her hands full, a further 30,000 troops are needed ..? You may say!
In other words take the Taliban orders to the few remaining Al Qaeda members in the area. Generally assumed that in both countries only a few hundred Al Qaeda members are present.

The Taliban follow a violent version of the strict Wahhabi Islamic Laws, covering all non-Islamic activities and eliminating immeasurable human rights, including all women, trampling.

The goal of Al Qaeda for all Muslim countries can be protected against foreign influence would by a Taliban-led government in Afghanistan can count on a warm welcome, as has already happened in 90 years.

Top officials Wednesday defended the decision to send more troops to Obama's argument that the American army to fight the Taliban to ensure that Afghanistan does not fall into the hands of people who may be affected by Al Qaeda. Susan Rice, Ambassador to the U.S. at the United Nations, said that the U.S. "can not afford" the Taliban to allow a new network of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan to build. " Despite the separation between the Taliban and Al Qaeda is it still the case four hand in glove, "Rice told Fox News against.

Military top advisers estimate for months that the actual number of Al Qaeda representatives in the region is small. National Security General James Jones said in an interview in October that Al Qaeda in Afghanistan "seriously weakened" was that fewer than 100 members were left and that they were unable even attacks from that country for the United States or its allies to carry out.
The new book "Vaccinations" by WantToKnow!
By Guido ⋅ December 7, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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What not told about Vaccinations

Additional information that the government has forgotten.

This book builds a bridge between the large group of people and the existing information from scientists and others who have written books about vaccinations. Awareness about vaccines and vaccinations in an understandable language is presented.

The so-called 'E-numbers', aspartame, fluoride and microwave are also discussed, with reference to further information. But enough information to reflect upon, and even surprised to get the rudder to throw!

The cover of the highly informative book by Anneke Bleeker
Who is aware of the wrong substances in vaccines, given a totally different view of this world ..

In the book, the vaccines are properly covered. A week after the introduction of the book, there are already special comments by author Anneke Bleeker inside. Mostly from people who really are different vaccination story to see and understand what is happening now.

The government seems to do everything in this neutral information and the actions of "The Concerned Mothers" from the media to keep.

An example? Wednesday, November 25, during the press conference launching the book, SBS6 filmed. Even Dr. Jannes Koetsier, Thanh Hagoort (Freek's mother) and Anneke Bleeker are interviewed separately.

That evening, the item in the 22.30-hour news. But soon got Anneke phone that the item was postponed to Friday? Later in the week she received the notice that the SBS 6 cases Jannes Koetsier told, wanted more depth and a layout of the report would merge. But the report still needs to be broadcast! News is always reported immediately?
And that same night, Wednesday, November 25, Anneke was again "in the race" in order to arrive at Pauw and Witteman. They had my book is now in the hands and the lady who acted as a contact, called regularly.

But, you guessed it: my performance at Pauw & Witteman was canceled AGAIN ..!

Because the government has already stopped that Anneke at P & W came after they have been invited ... The pattern is clearly recognizable. With all these facts at a glance it is clear that we / .be Anneke do want to stand aside ..!

So we also like the book by Anneke on our site. (Order via WantToKnow, the publisher gives us the bookstore margin) If you order the book, click on the cover below. You are now on the right site of the publisher, where you can order such IDeal.

You have the book within three days in the house!

Description of the book:

"What you're not told about Vaccinations"
How can government officials as simple decisions about our bodies and the bodies of our children?

That is where the author, through their own investigations to go - mainly via Internet - trying to come back. Thus came Anneke Bleeker, first behind that not everything is told by the authorities. The negative results of many scientific studies worldwide, and vaccinations to their influence on the human body are kept away from the general public. Or they are even ridiculed!

The ingredients of current vaccinations in recent years drastically changed, nor was the big bell is hung. The pharmaceutical industry is even making arrangements with governments - if side effects occur in vaccinees - the victims have no legal claims to submit.

Diseases are invented in order to vaccinate, the pharmaceutical industry is growing explosively.

Anneke started an email action to warn the Netherlands and abroad. She started a website called and noticed that many thousands of concerned mothers, fathers and parents in the country. She was backed by scientists, doctors, therapists and many others who have not said out loud what had Anneke said aloud: " profits and tax revenues are more important than the health of the consumer.

Anneke its findings described in this book "Vaccinations."

She has dedicated her book to a deceased boy of nine years, for which a vaccination was perfectly healthy. Also in the deaths of young children and the elderly, the public routinely not told everything. The medicine has been worse than the disease. Anneke gives in her book, other methods to protect you against disease. Vaccinations were once a gift from heaven, industry and government have now beaten.
Parents Online scrambles back advice on child vaccinations.
By Guido ⋅ December 4, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Here on the site did John Consemulder report of the tremendous misinformation that surround "safe vaccines" goes into the world. The articles are entitled "The lies reigns: the great flu propaganda ..! and you have not read it yet, then I advise you to do so. HERE is the first part. ~

Did you read 3-part article you'll know that in part 1 (where the above link goes to) the story of OudersvanNu take the piss. It is really crazy for words, that an authority in the field of baby and toddler education, no doubt-a-nice amount in Euro's late toeschuiven in exchange for taking a book about vacccinaties. Sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry ... So you can expect everything from such a book, but a neutral opinion on whether or not your child be vaccinated, there will not belong!

People find a neutral opinion in a magazine like "Parents of Now '.
Where is the neutrality of a magazine, where is the neutrality of journalists / chief editors who approve? But there are probably a few editors awake, the publisher may have intervened.

The following commentary is an editor of Parents Online, and if you read it, you fall instantly neutral attitude towards vaccinations and the cautious wording about the safety of vaccines. When we are on the 'colophon page and look of Parents Online, we see this editorial status:

'Editorial Staff: To ensure independence of the editorial is an editorial board drawn statute. " There is obviously not a word in Spanish. You HERE also download this statute.

We can propose or American states, where parents, who may lose a child (or have already lost) the effects of vaccination, the publisher who sponsored or incorrect information will be liable to account for this loss .. So sue the publishers giving false information, even if it is sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. Because there would be extra tight and publishers the line clearly drawn. Pharmacists are able to handle billions of their profits this kind of petty sums to pay for a free booklet about vaccinations' .. So they call it or not, but called, as in the case of Parents of Now: " Is he a cold or is there more to it? All about colds, flu and RS virus. And if you are looking good, it appears somewhere in the fine print, the sponsor of this booklet, the pharmaceutical company Abbott ..

And just exactly where people magazine (or online version) to consult carefully informed, because they are expecting a neutral opinion ..

Anyway, here is the reaction of the website editor Henk Boeke Parents Online. Together with Justine Pardoen editor, responsible for the content of both publications. In short, definitely worth reading. We quote:


Half-truths about Thiomersal
Henk Boeke editorial Parents Online.

"The Mexican-flu vaccine is thiomersal, a mercury compound designed to fungi and bacteria to turn the neck. RIVM says that stuff is no problem, and that a half-life of 7 days, Or: after 7 days half of this substance from the blood disappeared.

Ok - but that's half the story. The other half, not mentioned is that the half-life of more brains than three times as long. Because it takes 24 days for half of this substance from the brains disappeared. (Source: Prof. Janna Koppe, emeritus professor of neonatology at the University of Amsterdam, in an e-mail to the RIVM, with CC to Parents Online.)

Or that bad, we can not judge (although Prof. Koppe it detects a problem. They recommend all pregnant women from approaching to get vaccinated, so even after 13 weeks because it may harm the fetus.) All we want to say about it is that we do not find helpful, in terms of communication. Why confine itself to the RIVM 7 days, and they call that 24 days is now not just in?

The reason why it should Thiomersal is also purely a matter cents. If you own all vaccine (single dose), then it's no need, but if you want to vaccinate more people from the same vial (multidose) does. The government has chosen the latter because it is cheaper.

Finally, a remark about "the prohibition of Minister Hoogervorst. Some people are amazed that Thiomersal suddenly be allowed, while the formerly forbidden. That is a misunderstanding. The then Minister Hoogervorst has never actually banned, but only stated that it would no longer be used. That was not very useful, because it was not based on scientific research, only to social unrest. (Source: Huub Schellekens virologist at the VPRO Argos program).

What does this mean in practice? You should do or not to get flu? We maintain our opinion that there is always a trade-off between the advantages and disadvantages, and to do that in consultation with your doctor.
A human flesh-eating robot on the battlefield ..?
By Guido ⋅ December 2, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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The soldiers make to sustainability. Is that the conclusion of the following article? They also search for alternative energy resources. Apparently! And they do not because the fuel is so expensive, but it is autonomous sources of combat weapons. For years, the military is working to develop robots. Human suffering, in the shape of fallen soldiers on the battlefield, should be avoided wherever possible.

Especially in a country like the U.S. revolves around public opinion. Since the Vietnam War, U.S. defense experts know that no one is interested in returning soldiers' lifeless state ".. So robots.

But how do you keep that up and running, as they sit in the middle of the battle, right on the battlefield .. With cannon fodder? Read the article about this bizarre developments, or .. Or is it all? According to the authors, this robot is programmed so that he " only works on twigs, grass pollen and wood chips - small, plant objects for which the robotic technology of RTI is programmed " ... So a kind of friendly, vegetarian "Archie, the man of steel"?


Military Horror?
Military Robot literally eating dead bodies in order to recharge itself.
2009 © Translation by Jan Smith / / .be

(Source: Natural News )

The hit film by Paul Verhoeven on the half-man half-robot agent, apparently inspired defense specialists. Does this poster is about 'lawenforcement' (legislative ratification), now refers to meat-eating robot war machines on the battlefield ...
Fierce debates on flared then recently published reports that the Pentagon (U.S. Department of Defense), near the completion of a robot had developed for themselves to find food to meet its own fuel by consuming 'biomass from the environment '.

The concern increased when it turned again to the " Energetically Autonomous Robot Tactical (Tactical Energetically Autonomous Robot) (EATR) may indeed have their own fuel to shield the bodies of war dead.

The EATR was designed by " Robotic Technology Inc. . (RTI) in cooperation with " Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. . "

According to RTI ,is an autonomous robot EATR platform capable of conducting long-term military missions over long distances without the need to manually re conventionally to be recharged.

The robotic system, patent pending, may themselves biomass in his environment searching, material position and energy from us, but also works on traditional and alternative fuels such as gasoline, diesel, propane and solar energy, if available. "

Vagueness about The term "biomass" led to many reporters on whether the Pentagon actually a cannibalistic robot was developing. In response to those allegations, said RTI with strongly that the robot will be programmed to only plant substances to consume.

"Despite fetched stories that" human bodies "as" biomass "forms, the public can be sure that the machinery of Cyclone which EATR drives only works on twigs, grass pollen and wood chips - small, plant objects for which the robotic technology of RTI programmed ... Violation of the dead is a war crime according to Article 15 of the Geneva Conventions. "

RTI President Bob Finkelstein was rather vague about how the robot could be programmed to human or animal flesh to avoid. "Different materials have their own characteristics, " he said.
Even as the robot would not feed on people, their application is still in violation of the law of war.
"Robot monsters are equipped with powerful arms, which trees or shrubs in the ground can be drawn for that then in their greedy mouths to stuff, " said Lewis Page in " The Register ".

"As a treat seems the machines also able to more conventional forms of fuel to steal the petrol cars," he wrote. "Hapless motorists and homeowners will be unable to prove themselves against such depredations by robots to defend."
Where is the proof of the new flu?
By Guido ⋅ November 28, 2009 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Miquel Ekkelkamp as physician-microbiologist associated with the UMC Utrecht. He is the author of columns and novels under the name of Bulnes. He writes this article in a personal capacity and was recently placed in the NRC. Miguel is one of the scientists who fear the blaze abroad and totally insanity of mass vaccination to allege. Kritsche a sound from an unexpected quarter?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Virologists have little evidence for emergence of new pandemic species
It is nonsense to claim that in 2009 the deadly Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 can repeat itself. There was no penicillin. And they did not die from the flu, but pneumonia.

The Mexican government that lays flat land, which the Egyptian quarter million pigs begin to clean up the whole of Hong Kong hotels quarantines, the Dutch Minister of Health to place an order for 34 million vaccines. There is much panic, it seems.

Unnecessarily anxious to complete the outrageous comments of governments on the Mexican flu are material for a farce in itself, but here I wanted especially boosting the panic by the experts for discussion. Since April 17 on a slightly different version of the influenza virus H1N1 was discovered, doing all kinds mediavirologen again the most apocalyptic predictions. Millions of previously healthy people could die if the virus spreads and "a pandemic". H5N1 (bird flu) has not turned out exactly what they had hoped, so maybe the flu still lead somewhere.

They try their research budgets to raise or they have the movie Outbreak a few times seen too much? Who knows? Striking is that the catastrophic predictions are based almost entirely on speculation and fantasy, and little on facts.

First a flu itself. This is a virus that usually causes mild dose of pneumonia with fever, cough and aching muscles at the forefront. In the elderly, people with immune disorders or certain hart-/longziekten may be just that last tick which they die - during the influenza season, for example, significantly more people die of heart attacks - and why these groups are vaccinated each year.

Occasionally, an otherwise healthy person dies of influenza, because flu is almost always complicated by pneumonia with a bacterium. Mortality purely by the virus is almost non-existent.

The picture of influenza in recent weeks in the media outlined, is much more dramatic. Regular mediavirologen even grab the back of the most successful promotional influenza outbreak ever: the Spanish flu of 1918. I quote from Holland's most famous virologist Pauw & Witteman: "If you look what was played in 1918, is exactly the same as what we see today. There are then 50-100000000 deceased people. "

What hogwash!

It requires a lot of guts to the situation in 2009 equivalent to that of 1918, when NB was unknown what caused the flu and massive people gathered in churches to pray for recovery (so they could enjoy together immediately aanhoesten). The sanitary conditions were bad, the world was exhausted and malnourished by World War I, and most importantly in this context: penicillin did not exist.

TV virologists conceal this generally, but more than 95 percent of the victims of the Spanish flu did not die from the flu itself. She deceased at the notorious complication of it: one with a bacterial pneumonia. (1). It is now well treated with penicillin (if you're on time) and this is the "Spanish flu scenario definitely a thing of the past, like the black death and eaten by a saber tooth tiger. Someone who uses 1918 as horror, the things not quite in a row.

I quote virologist at Holland's most famous Pauw & Witteman: "If you look what was played in 1918, is exactly the same as what we see today. There are then 50 to 100 million people to deceased. "

What hogwash!

A serious worst case scenario is the Hong Kong flu of 1968, when a previously found influenza A subtype, called H3N2 variant outbreak. In 1969, the year that flu hardest hit in the Netherlands, there are 1018 deceased people, of whom 243 under 65. Still a lot, and every reason to take action but it in perspective: influenza that caused less than 1 percent of total mortality. (2).

If anyone honestly wants to outline the dangers of a new influenza pandemic must therefore say: "A flu pandemic is very new, because in some years in the Netherlands, the deaths in the 0-65 age group increased from 0.275 percent to 0.277 percent." This is very bad, but I wonder whether you really panicking or a vacation in Mexico to cancels.

Besides the misleading references to the past is, the seriousness of the situation to "prove" even in moderately gegrossierd informed speculation. There is repeatedly called the current pandemic viruses (very contagious, but little life threatening) and bird flu (very deadly, but you pretty much chicken droppings inhale to sick to be) they could merge into a highly contagious and highly lethal virus. Pretty fun thought - and it is told as if someone has ever ventured to see happen - but so far science fiction, not a starting point for meaningful policy.

A dogma for some virologists is that there is necessarily a new subtype of influenza ever to occur that will cause a pandemic. Namely: H1N1 in 1918, H2N2 and H3N2 in 1956 in 1968 Well, that's us now in terms of evidence. All we know for sure is that we are the last 130 years for our pandemic with those three subtypes have done. It is not excluded that at all the only three who could be pandemic in humans, H2N2 caused probably because the pandemic of 1889 and there are indications that H3 viruses circulating late 19th century already. It is fortunately kept a sharp eye, should it prove true dogma, then we know immediately.

Despite all measures, it seems inevitable that the flu begins to spread to a pandemic, "a word with fatal connotations, but that only indicates that an infectious disease has spread over several continents. We live in a constant pandemic influenza: past winter, many thousands of us for the first time in their lives, without any protection by vaccination, influenza occurred. All this without that we are very much about them.

Of influenza on his concern and vigilance is always required (and sometimes intervene), but preferably combined with some realism. Now the huge commotion a storm in a glass of water appears to be and the actions of various governments increasingly resembles a very bad joke, just to rest our hope that Ab Klink his order of 34 million vaccines can still cancel. Otherwise, the next one soon also a bad joke expensive joke.

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