DURABLE: May 1, but it has always "Guerilla Gardening'-day ..!
You will no doubt they ever. Small baskets or boxes with bulbs; hyacintjes, daffodils and grape hyacinths, to name but a few. But what do you do with all these balls as they have finished ..? Throw it away? No, right?!
If the basket or box let alone one month without water. The leaves above the ground in no time you can completely withered and cut. Then remove the balls from the earth and leave them there until the autumn or late summer. They can also immediately stop somewhere in the ground ..
Just dig in your neighborhood somewhere a few small holes in a bed or under a tree and put the balls in it. Cover the earth again and Volia! You're suddenly a "Guerrilla Gardener" .. now
Guerrilla Gardening is great fun, I can, from my own experience-tell!
Well, David against Goliath ..?!
Across the road from my house, flowers every year a larger sea of daffodils, grape hyacinths and a few hyacinths. All of those balls that were thrown away otherwise .. And now there are already two baskets and a pot of balls waiting for my Guerrilla activities ..
Delicious! And the funny thing is that many people believe that only 1 years flowering bulbs .. Who would get this message anyway ..? Recently I drove through the bulb and was really amazed by the incredible number of bulb fields in the area around Lisse and Keukenhof. These bulbs farmers have little interest in letting down 'naturalise' bulbs in the ground .. Bollen, stealing our money .. hahaha ..
Nonsense so that the story of one-year bulbs, since every year, at my home at least, these balls again happily tell you that spring is coming ..! And .. I imagine that they thank me for the fact that they are not groenbak disappeared ..
And watch out! It's really addictive. At one point, everything goes back into nature .. Garden plants because they throw away "too big" have become? Nonsense! Instead just post them on a dull spot in the park. You must be creative enough to include a true "Guerrilla Gardener" to be.
Just huppekee, under a bare tree, between the paving stones to being alone .. Attention and focus!
Another example?
you ever see those crazy offers, at ALDI example, bags of flower seeds? 6 bags for € 5, - for example. So what is stopping you. Lift a tile from the sidewalk to your house and plant the seeds against muur.Er is a fantastic German who launched a "Free Academy Gardens' .. Do you not bescheuren you ..? ( HERE link.)
Or plant them like this man in the picture, just under a tree on a road .. Sunflowers are perfect for this course guerrilla work.
It is so easy to make the world a bit more interesting, with such simple things! Look at the site of the American Guerilla Gardeners. HERE
This year Queen falls on a Friday, look at what the Queen can find markets for seeds for next to nothing. You then have the next Saturday to plant your seeds. Simple right?
And YouTube says it all.
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Let Bill Gates with "new vaccines" the world VALLEY ..?!
By Guido ⋅ April 27, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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'Oops' slip of a Bill. Whether he spoke the truth just hard?
Multi-multi-billionaire Bill Gates has made his entrance to the philanthropists of the world. And he was apparently privy to their greatest concern: the growth and size of the population. This is still rising and threatens the Earth, that's the story that everyone should believe. But the solution is at hand .. New vaccines include, for example, the solution ..? According to Bill ... Huhhh .. .. New vaccines?
But first this: Bill has apparently the same story to foist what about 80% of Western populations for 'truth' is. Namely, that too many people on Earth would be. But move a step further and it is clear where this idea comes from: "Too many people threaten 'my life' .. '
Of course we need to see birth control as an important mechanism in controlling the load on our Earth. But please remember that just because people in these countries so poor, they often have many children ..! Several children give their parents a care insurance for their old age. Simple as that. Many children die early and not even reach adulthood.
But Bill Gates is convinced that above all those extra people, again to provide additional CO2 emissions. This, he claims during his speech at the highly respected TED presentations. See below.
Bill calls in this movie that there is hope. That the growth of the world can bring back. He uses the following text at 4:40 this movie:
"The world will grow to a total of 9 billion. But if we really make an effort and deliver good work, we can through good health, new vaccines, "reproductive-health" that growth by 10 to 15% "
Well you hear it, Bill did not let it slip, it is precisely in its appropriate picture ... My god what a violent text ...
Oops Bill, you speak very quickly over there, about that "new vaccines" ..
But of course what Bill hears as truth telling:
People in the Third World, where population growth is most can not in any way, but really not in any way, in the footsteps of the biggest polluters and largest CO2 emitters of all. Precisely, the United States of America and China. If all 6.5 billion people in this world would live as only the U.S. is already doing, then we would need 4.5 planet. AT THIS MOMENT!
The claim that the rich Western world imposes on our resources, pollution of responsibility, is in no way proportionate to that of the 'poor' countries.
If anything is clear from the present situation is that Western countries should keep their mouths shut and not the finger point towards poor of this world. They should hand in stabbing self-criticism and the 'poor' countries to assist in sustainable development. Simple As That ..!
Do not believe me? Look at this link here WantToKnow.
But the future will tell what the hell Bill Gates here for vaccination agenda hinted ..!
The nanobots are Coming ...
By Guido ⋅ April 26, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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The nanobots are coming! Scientists have discovered that they are almost invisible robots that, through our bloodstream able to travel for example to fight cancer tumors from within ..! This creates not the very nasty side-effects of other cancer therapies, such as a chemotherapy (if it would help though!) Recently, the new nanobot-cell therapy was first tested on people ..! Whoopee ...?
An impression of a nano-bot. Also moving parts have increasingly become part of this 'machinery' ..
A study, led by Mark Davis of the California Institute of Technology, noted recently in that nanotech robots, a method to perform the "RNA interference" is mentioned and which consists in these robots the proteins found to be related associated with the growth of cancer cells, then to 'off'.
From a study of 3 patients with melanoma, showed that the nano-bots that were covered with the protein "transferrin" in the tumor tissue could be inserted.
However, there is no mention about the final outcome, in other words, whether these robots were thus able to reduce the cancer tumors. But, according to the leader of the research was "encouraging to see how these nano-bots were able to find their way to find the tumors' ..
Of course there are potential risks to safety. What would you do? Could you research this little robots in your bloodstream to contribute? In any case, even a highly imperfect and incomplete science, one which has been busy for decades been speculated by science fiction writers.
You can hardly imagine you, a computer chip, which is even smaller than a human body cell. Yet these scientists have managed, these robots do. "Once this technology is more optimized," says concerned scientists, "these chips are used for human cell in the body activity measurement, disease earlier detection, drugs are big precisely" to deliver what they hear "and even be used to cells to repair.
Scientists at the Spanish Institute for Microelectronics in Barcelona have discovered how silicon nano-chips can record directly into cells, where this cell for the most part, 'normal' continues to work .. Another might say that he was not abnormal function when it is not 100% but obviously these scientists have reason to define it differently ..
Graphic representation of developing the latest generation of body cell chips on the bottom time axis, relative to the gray body cell .. The nano-bot is an unstoppable development process. Smaller and smaller .. And while potentially capable of more with each step ...
Scientists have once before tried to nanomaterials in cells to contribute, but that is mainly silicon, which is actually very pure sand, but silicone ensure that the electronic and mechanical (!) Parts are easier to integrate.
Soon, scientists hope these chips as intracellular sensors to use, making it therefore possible moet in order the activity of the human body cells to examine the inside-uit! The delivery of a drug, to the appointed spot, can be viewed.
When this technique is perfected, it will surely be a revolution in healthcare. These chips are in fact also be able to make measurements from inside the cells, energy-intensive medical devices and disease fighters. That in turn would promote developments in both areas, the development of the chips, such as health care.
And .. as a sign of further articles here, between nose and lips by ... "It may be a small step to meet the needs of the U.S. Pentagon, in the DARPA project has been defined". (For a special article about it HERE. )
It thinks of "immortal, verifiable synthetic creatures with murder genetic switches" .. (HERE )
Perhaps the "idiotic sci-fi dreamers' have to think much smaller than their now-elderly-creations of the cyborg beetles ..
And like all other inventions and things in our daily life is not the invention of the subject, but one who is the subject used for something that a world of difference between toe-and-tander '..
Jane Burgermeister and Polish President ...?
By Guido ⋅ April 21, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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What has happened in Poland? For many it is just a plane that crashed accidentally transported to the Polish President. In the current juncture, many things come together. Jane Burgermeister's site was from the air and it suddenly pops up in a YouTube movie, you can see below.
She stands in Poland and cares about the death of the Polish prime minister, who crashed the plane sat on that claimed no victims or survivors yielded .. She makes a clever summary of what ever may have been a revolution.
Is the president being shot, after the plane had crashed from a low altitude? Was he still alive? There is film footage taken immediately after the crash of the aircraft. The shots are heard, just after the crash, in the movie included. Where are the bodies of more than 90 passengers? You would have seen at least snippets THIS movie.
Bite Jane Burgermeister in this story down, because the link with the Polish refusal to flu vaccinations see? Look at her (in English) reports on its site.
Increasingly apparent that the article is here WantToKnow David Wilcock is a basic story, and proof always comes back to the regurgitation that we see in the world. (Want to see the first article click HERE. ) There is a big battle going on behind the scenes.
Poland is indeed the only country in the European Union against the H1N1 vaccination of the people voted. Even the industrial-pharmaceutical uitveegde the pan. Jane was therefore seen in this YouTube. (Thanks to Lianne!)
MONEY: (First?) Minister expensive way to flu ..
By Guido ⋅ April 1, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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While the EU research is still in full swing, there are cracks all over Europe in the power bastion of pharmaceutical spheres. It appears indeed that the pharmaceutical industry has been unable to curb its influence and to expand such that it has had to reduce to bribery, fraud and excessive lobbying practices.
The victims are of course all those citizens of EU countries that are completely unnecessary vaccinations administered on false scare stories about pandemic that threatens to plague us. Everyone is the broadcasting Pauw & Witteman addition, at the outbreak of the flu. Ab Osterhaus found it reason enough to cheer, "YES!, 33 million vaccines ordered" if it was SMS that he received a few days after the "first official event in the Netherlands.
we believe it will not be long before the dual role of highly Osterhaus will fully street. YES!
The message below speaks volumes. A Bulgarian minister apparently personal capital out of the billions in profits of Big Pharma felt compelled to save. A lawsuit against him will follow and details will be announced. A minister as a commercial agent for the pharma ... It should not be crazier.
The suspicion of corruption Bulgarian Minister of Health, Bozhidar Nanev, has a lot to explain.
The Polish minister who had not manipulated by Big Pharma also speaks volumes. For us, 'vaccination unsuspecting receivers, "now only a matter of love and become pluses.
Because the proposals of the contract that Big Pharma offered to them and that the Polish government did not sign such confidentiality (!!), may simply be public .. Let it read it. The outcome will clearly be an uncontrollable sewer air is already apparent.
* * * * * * *
Minister costly way to flu vaccines
The Bulgarian Health Minister Bozhidar Nanev ends Monday, March 29 resigned, shortly after the prosecution brought against him. Nanev would during the flu epidemic last year the state have a disadvantage in the purchase of Tamiflu.
Closed mid-December with drug manufacturer Roche Nanev a contract of over 3 million euros for the supply of 200,000 vaccines. According to the prosecutor, the British National Health Service offered the vaccines much cheaper to deliver. By contract with Roche Bulgaria would have paid 1.25 million euros too.
Once the indictment was announced, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov did say the resignation of Nanev expected. Combating corruption and crime are high on the agenda of Borisov center-right government. According to the prosecutor, there are no indications that Nanev has benefited from the deal with Roche. But why was it necessary to 1.25 million more to pay for the same vaccine that is unclear. Nanev himself said it to charge that his name is cleared. The flu epidemic disrupted in large parts of Bulgaria in public life. Schools and public services remained closed for days. About twenty Bulgarians deceased to the H1N1 virus.
MONEY: Research: "Any unnecessary panic to the flu"!
By Guido ⋅ March 1929, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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"The World Health Organization has unnecessary panic about the flu." writes that the British MP Flynn to the Council of Europe in a draft report. He is quoted in British newspaper The Guardian. Look HERE for the entire article.
Flynn refers explicitly to the extremely strange difference in the number of expected deaths and actual deaths. This difference undermines confidence in the WTO and thereby making it hazardous, says Flynn. He fears that many people perhaps will not be vaccinated with a warning and next call. Flynn is worried about the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in the opinion of public bodies about the flu. The verbatim text of the report on the impact of these industrial powers, as follows:
"Several factors have led to the suspicion arose was about undue influence of the pharmaceutical industry, ergo the possibility of conflicting interests of those in the WHO advisory sit on the early conclusion of contractual agreements between countries and pharmaceutical companies .
This is also based on the actual profits that pharmaceutical companies could achieve this as a result of this pandemic. "
The first part of the examination was held in January. The second part, which some experts will testify, is tomorrow in Paris. There the Polish Minister of Health the question as to why no country for its H1N1 vaccine purchased. In late April, the research results are available.
The Polish Minister of Health. Which TV show does well once to visit her the story of the pharmaceutical secrecy to hear. She has never signed on behalf of her country, and can speak from WEL-Fri .. Unlike our Minister, Mr.. Ab Klink.
(The motivation of the Polish government for not doing so is, incidentally, have long and extensive HERE on the site .. Minister Ms. Ewa Kopacze will undoubtedly say the same as they did in the Polish parliament. See our article)
In the Netherlands the approach of flu research topic.
The independent review is commissioned by Minister Klink of Public Health. Attention is given to both the administrative side of things as the conduct of the campaign. The study should be ready late this year.
The UK Cabinet Office is also working on an investigation. The central question is how Britain dealt with the threat of the flu. Results appear after June.
Drunvalo and the announcement of 22.04.2010
By Guido ⋅ March 1922, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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Starting in October last year, we placed the 14-part series that Drunvalo Melchizedek made about his contacts with the indigenous peoples of South and Central America. In it he speaks extensively and with great footage on the axis changes that take place and the secrets it revealed Maya. However, there are now new cases in the pipeline and Drunvalo tells us the following YouTube about the exact announcing it. On 22 April as he will in a special broadcast missed any open market.
We place here this announcement announcement of the shaft, because it is so down to. If you missed the 14-part series, then we recommend this link and clicking the player in our special series also quietly to view. On the special invitation Drunvalo received, and reports of a polar axis shift.
The information about Drunvalo will release one month has to be information in this YouTube, more to do with the inner processes in ourselves will take place. However, now we will have to do with this announcement, and share everyone's feelings on this matter with each other .. There is room enough under the article, welcome!
The right 'attitude' for 2012 (letter to the editor)
By Guido ⋅ March 18, 2010 ⋅ Comment on this article
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So regularly reach our mails from people who want to contribute to the transformation, which we all are facing. Similarly, the mail we received from Zeupa. A wonderful reflection on the institution, as human beings in these turbulent times further.
The essence is that we all realize that we only have a strong collective speak, as every individual himself confirms, for the way she / he is most suited. With good care of yourself, so by definition you care for the collective.
The great shift of 2012 is already in full swing, everyone feels the 'underground' movements. "Are we ready ..?
We often tend to be non-self-sufficient in this regard to consider. You hear lyrics like: "What could I do on my own for the greater whole?", Etc.
And yet is "m just now .. that's what the rub! Just by yourself as a key component to seeing the whole, the job YOU have good care of yourself, before you can do for others. Precisely by centering yourself, it is possible that "higher energies", higher frequencies your body and mental body to feed. And right there by you then able to reinforce the collective again ..
The comparison I make here happy with the announcement that we always hear the plane, just before we go into the air. "Loss of oxygen, the oxygen masks are automatically out of the boxes above the passenger seats. Put the mask on your mouth and do the elastic band over your head. Parents should first himself THE OXYGEN MASK TO DO BEFORE THEY HELP THEIR CHILDREN "..
Correct 'setting' for 2012
Zeupa Dordje © 2010
The transition which we are now and where 2012 is mentioned as tipping is the case at that time "the right attitude to have." Fortunately, there is information on the internet where you 'right attitude' can be found, as newspapers, television and radio act like nothing's wrong. Who believe that they are apparently not doing right at the tipping point the right attitude to have, so ignore this transition.
By aligning ourselves in silence, we grab our own destiny more light within ourselves to admit.
People who consult the Internet to get information, are finding that something special is going on at this time. Everywhere talks about an impending change.
The one sees the world on fire, floods, earthquakes, another provision terrible wars and still others a mutation into a higher form of being as that of mankind since time immemorial another massacre , extorted, and otherwise make life miserable.
All sites point to the need to prepare. The one that we think a stock of food and water should keep the other that we are the spiritual skill to make the pivot to mutate into a higher form of being. The latter interests me more than the creation of a stock cans, rice and water.
If the predicted disaster of those who predict that true, I have very little to a few cans and some water ...
How to prepare yourself for a change?
This mutation into a higher form of being able to describe one of those eternal cycle of murder, extortion and other misery steps. That seems to me somewhat. So I started preparing. And at that moment I became restless, for preparing tegerlijkertijd means 'not ready'. And I did exactly be, 'be ready'.
I want to 'be ready in time. " And given all the seismic moment, the banks that steal all our money, and even threats of war everywhere, I feel not too spent to want to 'not ready'. The worry, as I discovered, was itself a form of 'not ready'. When you finish all the turmoil is resolved.
So once I looked carefully to that feeling of worry. What does worry? The idea that these temporary housing that we call our bodies to be left without that we are 'ready'. Dismiss it with, "that I see it," is an option that we have not come up to come because then "you're not ready" at the time of the tipping point ...!
Then comes the unexpected and literally not know what happens to you. The knowledge of the release of the physical, material, the die is what we have to learn, we are ready at the time of mutation, because a life without war, extortion and other misery is only a "eterisch body 'possible. Not that you can not at the time of the life in your own material body can make, but if you've met, are you aware of your 'ethereal' body.
I think that is what those who "look or" abstain.
For them, there is joy and sorrow, for those who seek knowledge of moving away from dying, there is the adventure of what is, what is the quest. And that's a huge difference. As long as you're not going to do on that knowledge and experience that there are indeed two completely different ways are present in this body, you know not what I'm talking about ..!
Not that I myself 24 hours per day the adventure of 'What IS' realize, but I have many a glimpse of receive. For these glimpses of insight, joy and peace in time to take, I practice my alertness by thus to meditate.
That is the point, we are so accustomed to "that I see it," the NOW passes us without our noticing. This means that we're never really live ..
As to counteract all that loose habit, I do it by sitting down and my breathing carefully to observe. Then immediately clear how hard I needed at that moment, thoughts or feelings always lead me back from the focus on breathing.
Thoughts and feelings are judgments about what is, not what IS. Hence my 'hang' to meditate, I want to feel what IS with no personal or socially learned opinion. Only then opens reality. At the moment thoughts and feelings take over again, the matter quietly without any opinion on that detour to return to the focus on breathing.
Meditation allows us in the Silence of ourselves, our immortal 'self' experience.
Then at some point the rest where there is only one deep breath in or out is present in 'What IS', the wave of life and you feel in peace with surrender. There is 'exercise' requires following all those 'exercises' we were to judge ourselves to learn. These judgments are very practical for example to prepare food, a car to drive, but they have no meaning if we really want to experience.
On the contrary, every opinion is between reality and "myself in, because judgments are a translation of that reality. Such glimpses of reality in meditation regularly present, it opens a gate, with a quiet breathing is suddenly a view of 'everyday life' as if I am not part of it.
My body is part of it, but something else in your lights unless you can name what it is, you have the essence and always appointing thoughts to the mind. That's not to appoint. A wisdom without words is revealed behind the gate '. The knowledge of "the ethereal body. And in that sense, that being present then you discover that the time is not present in linear fashion as we see when we look at our watches, that it is time to eat and hungry.
Time, as experienced from the "etheric body" is not from A to B. There is a coming and going of experience with the degree of attention for this time creates. It is not coming and going experiences that attention, it is the degree of attention the attention. And that is "timeless" because cyclical. Derivative and again without opinion back to experience what it is today. And now that we realize "etheric body".
At times we experienced, we know even less attention we have that consciousness that perceives (the "etheric body") is eternal and our anxiety disappeared. Disappears more and more according to our conscious attention in the Now without judging 'cultivate'. So we get accustomed to our "etheric" and we're ready when the tipping point comes.
And precisely because of that joy "know to be ready," I wish everyone. And all those who "look or" wake up, it is also my wish. Only this love in the heart, the last port open, leading to ultimate freedom. And if those stories of 2012 based on fantasy, then we are least ready for the moment that our individual tipping there. And tie a nice bonus.
A cordial greeting to all readers WantToKnow!
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